Friday, October 14, 2016

Wine Tour

Good morning all
Yesterday we started out by being lazy.
Slow start as the blog took a couple of hours for processing.
Nearly 11 by the time we got going.
Drove up the Colorado River and enjoyed the solitude.

The Castle Creek Winery was out destination.
Tasted the wine and of course bought a few.

Then went to the associated resort looking for lunch.
Did not find an open restaurant
although we did find the Motion Picture Museum.
It was all about the movies filmed in the Moab area.
Pretty interesting and you can guess the majority
were Westerns, my favorite!
Gave up about 2 PM and went back to our BWB.
Made lunch and relaxed a little.
Decided to go back into Arches NP

to hike and enjoy the Windows area for sunset.
Stopped at the "Rock" shop on the way
didn't buy any as there are so many available outside the parks.
The drive into the park at 5 PM is so much nicer.
Most of the traffic is leaving!

At Windows we were greeted by overcast skies
but decided to enjoy the perfect weather and hike anyway.

The arches in that area are spectacular.
And I think the overcast kept some of the crowds away.
The views with the overcast were far better than I expected.

The moon even got into the act.

And as the sun went down some of the clouds "broke up"
to make a stunning end of the lighted day.

After the quick drive back out of the park
in the dark,
we went grocery shopping to fill in our depleting supplies
and find something for supper that was better for us than MickieD's.
Back to our BWB and photo processing.
Bed late, but slept oh so good.
Up to the sunrise and here I am.

Off again on new adventures
OK, laundry, shower and camper duties.
Got to spruce up as Rob and Chris arrive this afternoon for the weekend!

Make your day great and keep 'em guessing.
Tom and Millie

Not sure how this one occurred, but I liked the effect the camera did on it's own.

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...