Friday, October 28, 2016

Still here, and enjoying it.

Hi all
Yesterday was very relaxing for us.
Millie did her big hike in the HooDoos

I spent a little time with the Fur Kids
and visited the "General Store" here at the park.
After about 2 hours I went and picked Millie up.
Then home for lunch
out and about in the park, visiting
the Store, Visitor Center and drove out to
The Fairyland Viewpoint.

Not real "mile-a-minute" day so we could relax a bit.
On our way back we were able to share some time with the locals.

Millie got lots of great photos from "down in" the HooDoos.

You can see how steep the trails are
and why I did not join her.
Had a great campfire last night
light supper and early to bed.

There is a lot of good advice in this old tree
and I'm guessing you all ready know what it is, so
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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