Monday, October 3, 2016

Grand (missing) Tetons

Hi all
We ended up in Grand Teton NP
and we took the long way to get here.
We have a great, small, steep, muddy campsite.
Not as bad as it sounds.
Tomorrow we head south
hopefully a little warmer and DRYER!
So far down to 35° and snowing.
Went out for groceries and looking for some photo ops.

But first a few more from the Grizzly and Wolf Center
Sam, the big one.

Then some shots of the beautiful wolves.

And stare downs

OK, now on to today's work.

Pretty much rain all day and cold wind.

Man, I could have got this at home
just would have had to wait another month.
From the Cunningham Ranch Homestead

South tomorrow, hopefully warmer and dryer.
Yes, these are all shots with the Grand Tetons Mountains in the background
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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