Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fun in the Desert!

Hi all
We had a great, if not exhausting, day yesterday
Slow relaxing morning.
When we finally got going
we went into Page, AZ
to the Visitor's Center.
Found what our days activities would be.
First, about 1 PM, we went to Lower Antelope Canyon.
A guided tour of a "slot" canyon.
Did not expect, the crowd,

the cost and the amazing
formations and colors as we walked through.
Well, you can see from the photos how amazing this journey is.

After this fantastic tour, by the way, even though our guide was young,
she did a great job and was tolerant of me taking photos.
(I was not alone and often not the last one in the group)
Me and my Bride.

Millie says somebody had to hold the place up!

We headed to "Horseshoe Bend" overlook.

Millie even got close to the edge.

I know she had to look down for this shot.

It was about a 3/4 mile walk, up hill, bothways, with a blizzard and sandstorm
OK, I'm exaggerating about the blizzard.
Now that we are at only about 4000 feet of elevation
I did fine breathing and only got tired.
Still need lots of water even though temps are around 70°
because the humidity is in the teens.

Stopped for a few supplies on the way home
and made it back to the BWB for a cold one, visiting with the new neighbor
and supper on the patio.

Today, new adventures although hopefully not so exhausting.
Tomorrow we pack up and head for new formations.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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