Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Green River, WY

Hi all
Got out of the rain, YEA!
Not much warmer, but dry.
Today we head for Flaming Gorge
and Dinosaur Nat. Monument
Short drive, hoping for lots to do and see.

Yesterday we had a rare, for us, event.
We got to be part of a Cattle Drive!

Not only did we get to see, we got to help
OK, maybe everyone was just enjoying the day.

Spent about 20 minutes with the herd
going through a canyon.
Friendly bunch of Cowboys, they were even posing
had great smiles and waved us on.
The working dogs were a treat to watch
and they knew that they were doing.

Then we got to the top of the pass

Thank goodness the road was only wet even though it was only 30°
Then the trip down the Green River to I80 and showers.
Top off the water tank and empty the others.
Ready for dry camping in Nat. Monument.

Sunny and clear this morning
looks like little wind so far today.
Great for travel.

Help make someone's day great.
Tom and Millie

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