Monday, October 24, 2016

Looking around Lake Powell

Hi all
Yesterday we took it easy
and it took all day!
Relaxed with breakfast and coffee.
Did some looking ahead for places to go
and things to do.
Found some for the day and where to go tomorrow.
Started with a short drive and long walk
to a viewpoint below the dam.

After getting some exercise there
continued our days journey by going out to one of the marinas.
Stood and stared at the monster house boats
and began to realize how multiple families
could get together for vacations on one.
Then we went over Glen Canyon Dam
and stopped at a few viewpoints.

On to the other marina and drive through
the National Recreation Area Campground.
Very nice and would stay there.
Out to a great viewpoint/overlook for a few photos

then back to town to stock up on drinking water.
Home to the BWB, supper, laundry, shower
and bed.
Pack up today and moving to Bryce Canyon National Park.

Make your day great and hug someone!
Tom and Millie

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