Monday, October 31, 2016

Into the Park today

Good morning all
Yesterday, Millie's Birthday, was a great day
Got all the laundry done
did some shopping
and enjoyed the campsite and the view.

Millie got some time to sew
and later we went out for a nice
Birthday supper.
On the patio with a view of the park.

That was about it
made for a nice relaxing day

even though we were busy.
Last year was Bend, OR
This year Zion NP
who knows where next year will be?

Make your day great, we will!
Tom and Millie

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Hi all
Did not post yesterday as the day before
all we did was laze around and pack up
Then got an early start yesterday.
Stopped at the Red Canyon Visitor Center
on our way out of Bryce Canyon area.

We decided to go to Cedar Breaks NP on our way to Zion.

Made the trip a little shorter, although slower.
And what a drive.
All seemed up hill as we got up to, well the photo says it all.

Great view, but windy and cold.

I even got out of the truck to prove I could function at this altitude.

Then on to Cedar City, UT
Groceries, pellets (for wood burner) and Walmart.
Grab MickieD's and back on the road to Zion.
OK, as of yet we have entered the park
from our campsite, going to when the sun comes out.
Decent RV Park and it is right in the town of Springdale
which borders the park.
Temps much warmer here.
More enjoyable fall like temps.
Millie is sewing today and I'm working on images.
Also got laundry done and planning to go out for
Millie's Birthday tonight.

Make your day great, likely no one else will!
Tom and Millie

PS: Wish Millie a happy Birthday!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Still here, and enjoying it.

Hi all
Yesterday was very relaxing for us.
Millie did her big hike in the HooDoos

I spent a little time with the Fur Kids
and visited the "General Store" here at the park.
After about 2 hours I went and picked Millie up.
Then home for lunch
out and about in the park, visiting
the Store, Visitor Center and drove out to
The Fairyland Viewpoint.

Not real "mile-a-minute" day so we could relax a bit.
On our way back we were able to share some time with the locals.

Millie got lots of great photos from "down in" the HooDoos.

You can see how steep the trails are
and why I did not join her.
Had a great campfire last night
light supper and early to bed.

There is a lot of good advice in this old tree
and I'm guessing you all ready know what it is, so
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Hi all
Got so busy this morning getting Millie ready and off on her hike,

I ran out of time and then forgot until late.
So here it is.
Millie set to go on her hike through Bryce Canyon.
She took some great photos, even though there was overcast skies.
She also lost my walking stick.
Well, won't hold that against her, even though it has traveled
thousands of miles, in the vehicle, and was obtained in NW Montana.
Makes it hard to go get another, maybe next year!

Yesterday, Wednesday, we drove over to Tropic, Ut
just looking around and not wanting to hike.
Some beautiful country below Bryce Canyon
and I enjoyed the lower elevation for a  while.
Stopped at another Visitor Center for Grand Staircase Escalante.
Not much at this one, but the maps are good.
On our way back
we stopped at Mossy Cave trail head.
Decided we could do it
so off we went, up hill, in a blizzard, both ways!

Beautiful little canyon
with HooDoos all around.

Mossy Cave is a spring that has eroded the sandstone
as it seeped out.

Not much water, but a few drops.

Made it back to the car fine
and headed back to the BWB
for adult beverages, a campfire and supper.
Fired up the generator so Millie could sew
and we could watch a movie.
Also got everything charged up.
A quick game of cribbage and off to bed

Yesterday was a great day

and tomorrow you will hear about today.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Good Morning

Yesterday we went out to the far reaches of the park
and worked our way back.

Stopping at most of the overlooks.

Sun and clouds mostly cooperated.

Was fairly exhausting due to the altitude.
It was hard to stop
the views were so mesmerizing

We almost went into town for gas
but by 4 PM we were so tired
it was time for a beer and homemade pizza.

Game of Cribbage and off for some well earned sleep.

Go make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Bryce Canyon NP

Hi all
We made it yesterday.
Got here about 3 PM and did not have a great choice for campsites.
Started setting up and it began to rain.
Not heavy, and occasional showers throughout the night.
Some sun this morning and some clouds.

Was a great drive over
and the way the scenery and geology changes
is just amazing.

Stopped at one of the visitor centers for

Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument on the way over.

Not panning to do a lot today
Some driving/investigating the park
to help plan what else we wish to do
when the clouds will be opening more.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Monday, October 24, 2016

Looking around Lake Powell

Hi all
Yesterday we took it easy
and it took all day!
Relaxed with breakfast and coffee.
Did some looking ahead for places to go
and things to do.
Found some for the day and where to go tomorrow.
Started with a short drive and long walk
to a viewpoint below the dam.

After getting some exercise there
continued our days journey by going out to one of the marinas.
Stood and stared at the monster house boats
and began to realize how multiple families
could get together for vacations on one.
Then we went over Glen Canyon Dam
and stopped at a few viewpoints.

On to the other marina and drive through
the National Recreation Area Campground.
Very nice and would stay there.
Out to a great viewpoint/overlook for a few photos

then back to town to stock up on drinking water.
Home to the BWB, supper, laundry, shower
and bed.
Pack up today and moving to Bryce Canyon National Park.

Make your day great and hug someone!
Tom and Millie

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fun in the Desert!

Hi all
We had a great, if not exhausting, day yesterday
Slow relaxing morning.
When we finally got going
we went into Page, AZ
to the Visitor's Center.
Found what our days activities would be.
First, about 1 PM, we went to Lower Antelope Canyon.
A guided tour of a "slot" canyon.
Did not expect, the crowd,

the cost and the amazing
formations and colors as we walked through.
Well, you can see from the photos how amazing this journey is.

After this fantastic tour, by the way, even though our guide was young,
she did a great job and was tolerant of me taking photos.
(I was not alone and often not the last one in the group)
Me and my Bride.

Millie says somebody had to hold the place up!

We headed to "Horseshoe Bend" overlook.

Millie even got close to the edge.

I know she had to look down for this shot.

It was about a 3/4 mile walk, up hill, bothways, with a blizzard and sandstorm
OK, I'm exaggerating about the blizzard.
Now that we are at only about 4000 feet of elevation
I did fine breathing and only got tired.
Still need lots of water even though temps are around 70°
because the humidity is in the teens.

Stopped for a few supplies on the way home
and made it back to the BWB for a cold one, visiting with the new neighbor
and supper on the patio.

Today, new adventures although hopefully not so exhausting.
Tomorrow we pack up and head for new formations.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...