Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Went our separate ways.

Hi all
Today after morning coffee and breakfast
Millie went with Gayle to quilt shops and other shopping
I on the other hand
was a good house husband.
Emptied the tanks, put things away, dusted, cleaned the floors
and general cleaning.
Felt good to have it back to square one.
Now it is going to start raining again.
After cleaning I went grocery shopping
Was actually nice in a strange store alone.
could wander the isles and enjoy the experience.
OK, I don't get out alone a lot.

We all ended up home again about 5pm
In time for a drink
Then over to Jeff and Gayle's for leftovers.
So good, I'm beginning to think leftovers are better than the first meal

Great evening with good people
too bad our regular lives are 1500 miles apart.
I feel I have missed a lot in the last 40 years.

Started to rain and sleet.
Steps going into the camper were covered with ice.
Thank goodness for the railing.
Got in safely but still have to take the dogs out later.
May pour hot water on the steps to make them safe for canine and human alike.
Was supposed to warm up tonight.
So far the weather man sucks.

Make your day tomorrow great and pass on a hug.
Tom and Millie

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