Thursday, December 10, 2015

Stayed home today

Hi all
Did not venture off the property today
Just kind of hunkered down and stayed dry
Did a couple of minor repairs inside
Washed some clothes and general clean up of me and trailer.
One good thing
The boyz have decided to stick close to me.
I think they know that the best way to find Millie is to stick with me.
Funny little creatures.

I still need to find a sheet of plastic that can be used over the lower vents
on the fridge in case we are parked with it facing the wind and it rains.
I can just tape it on, but need to keep the wind from blowing the rain in.
Seems to have been the biggest source of interior moisture.
Cardboard does not last too long

Tomorrow Millie comes back.
Hope she brings some sunny weather.

Good night and sleep well

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