Sunday, December 6, 2015


Hi all
Yesterday we didn't do much.
A bit of shopping again
Never seem to be able to get it all in one trip.
Millie sewed with Gayle
and I did other stuff.
along with changing out the LP gas auto change over valve.
Went well and no leaks!
Spent the evening on the couch watching TV
Maybe getting to be a bad habit.

Today we played tourist.
Went to the Harlow House in Troutdale, OR

Capt. Harlow was the founder of Troutdale

Was Christmas there and Santa was there too!
Had great cookies and wonderful young tour guides.
Not really a tour but a couple of youngsters that, from their knowledge,
must have been involved with adults that did volunteer.

After that we went next door to the Columbia Road museum
It was the story of the building of the Hwy 30 through the Columbia Gorge.
Fascinating and great conversation with the volunteer working there.

Then down the road a block to the Union Pacific Depot Museum

Of course it was all about trains and the local dependence upon the rails.
Real train buff was working there and had lots of local knowledge.

Great early afternoon.
When done there we went to an Estate Sale
Wow! lots of stuff.
Millie bought some fabric (not a surprise for those who know her).
Stopped in Boring to get some photos.
Just to prove where we were and what life is like when it rains all the time.

Didn't know donuts needed one.

Hurried home and walked the dogs then
Picked up Jeff and Gayle and out to visit McMenamins  Edgefield

Look it up if you have never heard of it
fascinating place and great food.

After dinner we walked about the grounds a bit
just not for long as it was raining (surprise)!
Found this bathroom art up at the distillery on the grounds.
Somebody had a creative "bend" and I have never seen this much porcelain for one purpose.
I think the plumber had been checking out the whiskey, or just had too many elbows in his bag!

Home and relax for a bit.
And soon off to bed.
All in all it was a damp wonderful day.

Tomorrow will just be another day in paradise
Just lovin' this retirement gig!

Hugs to all and to all a good night.
Tom and Millie

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...