Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Wow, time goes by so fast.

Hi all
We have to go back to Sunday.
Had breakfast with Ken and Muriel at their hotel.
Always lots of fun when spending time with them.
They packed up and were on the road to Florida shortly after breakfast.
So glad we were able to get together for a few days
and looking forward to seeing them again next summer.

We spent the rest of the day staying cool and doing a few trailer duties.

Yesterday relaxed in the morning
then Millie went to the Arts and Crafts building
and spent the afternoon quilting.
Meanwhile, I was tired of the 90° temps and drove up the mountain,
only to about 7000 feet.
Also to get a few new photos, since it has been so hot
I don't even think about going out with the camera.
Here's a few of what was going on in the "high" desert.

Temp was 68° and I rolled the windows down to enjoy the cool air.
Took a Forest Service road back in a ways and got to see several campsites
back in the woods.
Drove back to where the snow blocked the road.

Temperature isn't getting much cooler than the 68° on the mountain at night in Tucson.
It was the 8th day of 90° and a record
and it isn't expected to cool off till Wednesday.
Still better than subzero temps.

Today we are going to Kartchner Caverns.
Supposed to be a fantastic tour and a nearly pristine cavern.
They don't allow phones, cameras, flashlights or even water
to be brought into the cave, so no picks unless I can find and use some off the internet.
Making a day of it as it is a hour drive.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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