Friday, March 24, 2017


Hi all
Made it to Rusty's RV Ranch near Portal, AZ
Although Rusty's is in New Mexico

Last few days have been interesting
getting the new laptop up and running so I can finally bring the blog up to date.

Back to Tuesday and Kartchner Caverns State Park
This is the place that does not allow phones, cameras, gum, or even water
to be brought into the cave.
Sounds tough and it surely was photogenic.
Their idea is that it is a "newly" discovered cave
and it is a living cave, when there is water present.
The cave has not been vandalized or souvenirs looted from the formations.
Making it nearly like it was first discovered in the 1980's,
except for the pathways and lighting for us not so flexible, or young, spelunkers.
Was able to get photos of the grounds that were done very nicely.
This is a stop worth going out of the way for and they have camping!

Some of the desert flowers in the Hummingbird Gardens.

And of course Millie and me.

Home to our campsite and the BWB at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Family Camp.

Along the way home we stopped to find wood heating pellets.
No luck, although we found these guys all caged up.
Tried to open the gate and let them free, but the gate was locked!

Wednesday we kicked back.
Millie went over to Recreation and Crafts building
to of course work on quilting..
I did very little as it was still hot out.

Thursday we started packing up to be able to get up and go Friday.
Tried to get some financial stuff done
and that is when my computer network adapter crapped out.
Just hate to computer shop under duress.
Got a decent buy at the Base Exchange
and so far works well, as expected.

Time for a good nights sleep
and it will be dark here as many astronomy buffs
come here for the "dark".
Should be quiet too!

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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