Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fam Camp and Friends

Hi all
It is a beautiful morning here at the Davis-Montham Air Force Base.
Yes, we are still in Tucson and looks like for at least another week.
Slept with the windows and vents open last night.
That was so wonderful and it was 63° in the BWB when we got up.
Going to warm up to near 90° today with light winds, sunshine
and us enjoying the "dry heat".

Yesterday we bummed around the BWB for most of the day.
Millie got out the sewing machine.

I polished the truck.
The fur kids watched and loved the shade.
As the day got hot, we stayed in the shade
with a light breeze and a mister bottle.
A tiny visitor in our shade bush.

Pretty pleasant.
Mid afternoon we headed out to visit with our friends,
Bill and Anne from British Columbia in a RV Park on the west side of Tucson.
For supper we went to the Golden Corral and met up with 2 more Canadian friends,
Dave and Mary.
We had met them 11 years ago at an Online Photographers Shoot Out in BC.
Lots of fun to get together with them all.
So busy visiting I even forgot to get a group photo.
Maybe Sunday when we get together again.
After stuffing ourselves, went back to Bill and Anne's RV park.
Sat out in the, nearly, full moon and visited until the "tireds" caught up with us.
Back to the BWB and long walk with the fur kids, then off to bed.

Not sure what today will bring, so just remember to
Make your day great!
Tom and Millie

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