Sunday, March 12, 2017

Saguaro National Park East

Hi all
Yesterday was hot again.
After getting signed up for the Tombstone tour next Tuesday
and extending our visit here another week,
we took a drive.

Saguaro NP East, is only about 20 minutes from the BWB
and the park drive is a slow one way drive.
Slow is not a bad work here, generally I had to pull over to let people by.

Enjoyed the slow pace and the AC in the truck.
At many of the stops there was a nice breeze
and with the low (10-12%) humidity 89° was comfortable for a little while.
We saw lots of Saguaros and about a million other kinds of cactus.

This area of the Sonoran Desert is called the "lush" desert.
We could hardly believe how green everything was.
And the diversity of plants was amazing.

The views were great and a few birds gave me their best sides.

Made a lot of stops just to take in the views.

This is a Saguaro skeleton.

And a closeup of the woody structure.

After the park we drove to Colossal Cave Park.
It was closed by the time we got there,
so off to Walmart for a few items and it was on the way back to the BWB.

Supper was Tamales and salad.
Then edit photos, walk the dogs and head for bed.
Slept again with all the windows open and loved the cool desert air.
9 AM and just about 70° so it will be another hot one today.
Will be a nice breeze this afternoon which will make sitt'n in the shade
with a cool whatever will be very pleasant.
Looking forward to a picnic at Bill and Anne's this afternoon and
hoping Dave and Mary will be able to join us.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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