Friday, March 31, 2017

Heading South

Hi all
Yesterday was, well, pretty ho hum.
Took our time getting moving then off to Thrift Stores.
Looked around Carlsbad for a while, then filled with gas and water.
After lunch we went window shopping at the RV Dealer next door to the RV Park.
Nope, didn't find any plans better than ours, so no sale.
Back at our BWB we puttered around with small duties.
Decided to go out to eat for our last night in Carlsbad.
Went to the Red Chimney BBQ.

Good staff, good food and a good place to go if ever in Carlsbad.
Laundry and showers then a good nights sleep.

Today we are getting going early to beat the high winds coming in.
Heading to Ft Davis, TX for one night then on to Big Bend NP.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Big Hole!

Hi all
Tuesday we packed up the BWB,
not much trouble as we were "dry" camped and not even unhooked.

Had a quick breakfast and headed up into Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
Spent several hours looking through the Visitor Center and gift shop.
We were preparing for Wednesday.
Moved the BWB down the road to the town of Carlsbad, NM.
Got set up in the RV park and made a quick trip to Walmart.
Just a few essentials, TP, wine, beer and dessert.

Yesterday, Wednesday, off to Carlsbad Caverns NP
We decided to do the Natural Opening self guided tour.

Could have done this one last year, but, would have had to exit the same way.
So we spent about 3 hours going down, down, down.

Seemed like it would never stop.

About 1.25 miles and only down 750 the "bottom".
When we reached the elevator level that also had a lunch room,
restrooms and a large area with table and chairs, we took the elevator to the surface for lunch.

After lunch we took the elevator back down to continue on our second tour.
Both the "tours" are self guided, so stopping to take photos not only was relaxing,
it also extended our time in the caverns.

We thought the Natural entrance experience was spectacular and worth taking.
I had no trouble with knees or back, just have to take it slow.
As much as I try not to use the word "but" ........
But, the Big Room tour was over the top spectacular.

I could hardly go more than a few steps before the angle changed the lighting
and the view of the same feature.

Also it was a BIG room.
Hard to comprehend the immenseness of this place.

And small details.

And it is all underground!
Such a great use of our tax dollars to preserve this natural wonder
and make it so accessible to so many people.
We stayed until the Ranger was walking behind us as she was to be the last one out.
Making sure all stragglers, people like me that keep stopping, were shooed to the elevator.
Guess I would not have enjoyed being left down there in the dark all night.
Is it way out of the way in Southeast New Mexico, yeah it is.
Is it worth going to?
And just think of all the National Parks you can visit on the way!
We paid for them, may as well see them!

Today, looks like a little Thrift Store shopping and some trailer duties.
Enjoy the photos and

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Across New Mexico

Hi all
Yesterday we traveled and traveled and traveled, well, you get the idea.
Started out from Portal and headed east across the desert.
And let me tell you the southern border of New Mexico is not much more than desert.
You see roads to ranches, but can't see the ranch.
Not sure how far off the highway they are.
We also counted cars.
The first 100 miles we got passed once and counted less than 10 other cars.
We also went by about 20 Border Patrol.
Don't know what they are doing out there, but they are out there, hopefully doing their job.
Made it to El Paso about 2 pm and decided to push on.
So here we are in Whites City, NM, just outside of Carlsbad Caverns NP.

Waking up to a gorgeous sunrise.

We couldn't get a site a day early so we are dry camping in Whites City.
Today will be a big day, 16 miles to the RV park for a three nights.
After we get settled in, Carlsbad Caverns NP is on the agenda.
Other than that, will just poke around the area and enjoy the last bit of New Mexico.
When we leave here we will be spending lots of time in Texas.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Monday, March 27, 2017


Hi all
Yesterday was such a great day.

Our expert guide, Steve W. was not only an expert, he was a wonderful host.
By host I mean to his “back yard”, the Chiricahua Mountains and Cave Creek Canyon.

We had a great time, and a great lunch.
This little bit of paradise, and Paradise itself, is truly a garden in the desert.
First stop was Faranuf, Steve’s place, and included a tour of Discovery II.
Next was the Portal Post Office, which is not an “official” Post Office.

It is sort of a satellite one where you can pick up mail at your box, and a bit of a meeting place for locals.
At least at mail time.
Then off to lunch at the Portal Store, Café and Lodge.

Good food, friendly staff and a few items to survive if needed.
You know like, beer, wine, soda, snacks and eggs.
There likely was more, I just didn’t pay much attention as we are fully stocked.
Ate outside and watched the birds and the locals, was a beautiful day
Off then up Cave Creek and our first stop, Vista Point.

With a great view up Cave Creek Canyon and South Fork.
Good little hike to help lunch settle and I was able to get a good shot of Steve and Millie, obviously enjoying the wonderful weather.

On to Herb Martyr Falls

John Hands Falls

Continuing up into the Chiricahua Mountains.
Made many stops enjoying the day and company.

Even stopped and viewed the Paradise Cemetery.
No Ken, none of our relatives there!
Now we can say we have been to Paradise, guess next is Valhalla (ND).
With the tour completed we headed back to the BWB and lonely fur kids.
They were happy to see us and we were happy to get a cool one,
Veggies and dip for supper, edit some images and get some well earned sleep.
Such a great day and thanks again Steve for a great day.

Make your day great

Tom and Millie

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Beautiful area.

Hi all
Yesterday was a great morning,
unless you would rather sleep in.

I met Steve W. a long time "On Line Photographer" friend.
Been a long time coming and was so fun to finally meet him.
I enjoyed sitting on the porch, watching the birds
and talking about lots of stuff.
Steve had other commitments in the afternoon
so Millie and I went to the Chiricahua Desert Museum just outside of Portal, AZ.

Great little private collection of artifacts and live reptiles.
I never knew there were so many kinds of Rattle Snakes.

Yes, those are real snakes. As a photographer you always appreciate "good glass", either in a lens or between you and the subject.
The gardens were very nice and a relaxing walk around them
was perfect on a warm afternoon.

After we shopped the gift shop there we headed through Portal
and went up Cave Creek Canyon.

First stop was the visitor's center.
Very informative and found John was also very interesting.
We then headed up the canyon as far as one of the camp grounds.
There were several spots open and it would have been nice to camp there
had we not chose to stay at Rusty's RV.
May have been a bit tight for the BWB so we are comfortable here with our 1/4 acre sites.
According to the brochure. Seems more like "disbursed" camping on BLM property, with amenities.
On the way back out we stopped at the Portal Peak Lodge Store and Café.
Just pick up 6 cool ones.
Since it likely was the only game in "town".
Neat little place, may take a better look today.
Back at the BWB enjoying one of those "cool ones" from our "front porch".

Speaking of.......
We will be having lunch with Steve and after he promised the $2 tour.
Looking forward to having an expert guide.

Sunset from Rusty's RV Park, site 33.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Friday, March 24, 2017


Hi all
Made it to Rusty's RV Ranch near Portal, AZ
Although Rusty's is in New Mexico

Last few days have been interesting
getting the new laptop up and running so I can finally bring the blog up to date.

Back to Tuesday and Kartchner Caverns State Park
This is the place that does not allow phones, cameras, gum, or even water
to be brought into the cave.
Sounds tough and it surely was photogenic.
Their idea is that it is a "newly" discovered cave
and it is a living cave, when there is water present.
The cave has not been vandalized or souvenirs looted from the formations.
Making it nearly like it was first discovered in the 1980's,
except for the pathways and lighting for us not so flexible, or young, spelunkers.
Was able to get photos of the grounds that were done very nicely.
This is a stop worth going out of the way for and they have camping!

Some of the desert flowers in the Hummingbird Gardens.

And of course Millie and me.

Home to our campsite and the BWB at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Family Camp.

Along the way home we stopped to find wood heating pellets.
No luck, although we found these guys all caged up.
Tried to open the gate and let them free, but the gate was locked!

Wednesday we kicked back.
Millie went over to Recreation and Crafts building
to of course work on quilting..
I did very little as it was still hot out.

Thursday we started packing up to be able to get up and go Friday.
Tried to get some financial stuff done
and that is when my computer network adapter crapped out.
Just hate to computer shop under duress.
Got a decent buy at the Base Exchange
and so far works well, as expected.

Time for a good nights sleep
and it will be dark here as many astronomy buffs
come here for the "dark".
Should be quiet too!

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...