Saturday, February 27, 2016

New Mexico Space History Museum

Hi all
Friday (yesterday) went to this great facility
If you are in the area, plan a few hours to enjoy the indoor and outdoor displays
The I-Max was fun, but had little to do with the NMSHM except location.

More of the exterior.

There is actually 4 floors of displays
Was nice because you take the elevator to the top
and make your way down.
All on ramps so my old knees appreciated the design.

A Nike missile.

I should have had Millie stand next to this so you could relate it's size.

Millie enjoying the spacious comfort the astronauts had.

Then inside I did not take a lot of photos
I was reading and enjoying the displays
So much I lived through in the 50's and 60's
Loved this stuff as a kid.

So much inside, like I said, it is worth the time.
The rumble display of what different rockets sounded and felt like
during take-off was great, especially the Saturn V

After enjoying the museum we went to the I-Max Theater (the little blue roofed structure)
about a block away on the grounds.
Watched a fun movie about extreme caves.

On our way back to Alamogordo
caught this sign of spring.

Then back to base for groceries and water.
We get filtered water for coffee, otherwise so far
we have had pretty good water throughout our journey.

When home we sat and enjoyed the patio with the fur kids
until the temp dropped after the sunset.
Welcome to the desert!
Supper and some light internet surfing
and called it a day.

No plans for Saturday
may just use as R&R

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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