Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I'M Back!

Hi all
I'm back with colors!
Had a great day and drive north of Las Vegas
Valley of Fire, a Nevada State Park
Took North Shore Drive along Lake Mead
Pretty desert area, with vistas of the lake.
Stopped at an Oasis, a real one with active spring
and lots of green.

In the middle of the desert this spring pumps out 40 gallons per minute at a constant temperature of 80°.

After the Oasis we went to Overton, NV
to visit the Lost City Museum
Nicely done and very informative.
Also the first place that has shaded kennels for dogs
free with the small entry fee to the museum.
Glad we did not have to worry about them
and left us to enjoy the museum.

Then on to Valley of Fire.

Found a nice frame for my traveling companion group photo.

From here we tried to check out lots of very unique areas
and spectacular rock formations.

The structures left and right
were constructed by the CCC
during the 1930's
They have been used off and on for years. Still standing with intact roofs. Doors and windows seem to have disappeared.

This is a sandstone formation
weathered by wind and rain.
It is NOT Redwood.

Neat little canyons to hike into.
Although we did not have time to explore these
Maybe next year?

More of the drive and fun roads and scenery.

We checked out the campgound
to find out if sites are big enough for our trailer.
They are! Next year so we can spend more time exploring.

Don't know if this is named,
Just one of many arches in the park
Not on the scale of Arches National Park
but all are unique and fun to locate.

Another area worth spending the time in
should you ever get to the area.
Make the time, it is worth it.
Got home late
and off to bed early.

Today planning to go to Red Rock Canyon National Park.
More red rocks photos to come.

Make your day great, because you have been given another chance.
Tom and Millie

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