Friday, November 23, 2018

Tuttle Creek BLM Campground

Hi all
Excellent Verizon service here, was really unexpected
and very appreciated.
Easy trip over with little wind and no snow on the road in the pass.
Many miles along the eastern front of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Tuttle Creek is a fairly large BLM campground.
It is maybe about a third full
so we had no trouble finding a very nice spot for a few days.

Sunshine, stars, full moon and quiet.
Beautiful views and sunrise.

Located at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Where we can watch the sunrise on the mountains.

About due east of Mt. Whitney, tallest peak in California.
We can also enjoy the full moon on the mountains.

Will be exploring the area today, in our typical fashion.
Wander about and see what we find.

Make your day great, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
Tom and Millie

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