Friday, November 30, 2018

Rain, rain, rain.

Hi all
Here we are in the desert and all it did yesterday was rain.
According to the Las Vegas TV station it was a whole 1/4 inch
and they think that was a lot.
At home a 1/4  inch rain takes 15 minutes, not most of the day.
It did quit in the late afternoon
then we got out and did some shopping for needed supplies.
The morning started out with Millie not feeling as chipper as usual.
She took a morning nap and felt better then she spent the day quilting.
I just plain gave up and took a nap in the afternoon.
Was a good day to stay put, recover, relax and read.
With the rain over and clear skies,
we are going to head to the Tecopa, CA area today.
Stop in Shoshone, CA at the museum and then to Tecopa
and look for the Death Valley Brewing Co. for a beer.
Maybe a late lunch also if they have any food available.
Never know what else we may poke our noses into today.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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