Friday, November 2, 2018

Just as expected, RAIN

Hi all
Sorry this update is so slow to  come.
Made it to Gresham and got all parked in my cousin's backyard.

Great that they have a nice big lot and can accommodate our rig.
On a bit of a hill with views over nurseries that are full of color.

Find when traveling off the main routes, and even some of those,
the trees have grown over the roads often reducing height.
All the rain and mild temperatures have encouraged tree growth
and some areas look a bit like tunnels.
Semi trucks don't have ACs, antennas and vent covers on top
so they just blast on through leaving many branches still hanging too low for us.
So far all is still on top of our LSF.
Many are really happy to see us as it always seems to rain when we come for a visit.
We are told it has been very dry here with no where near normal rain since last spring.
Well, glad we could help out!

Lots of visiting with relatives yet to do.
Last night our hosts had us down for tacos.
Both their children and 1 of 3 grandchildren joined us.
Great time. So great to meet a young teen that seemed so comfortable
visiting with us 1st cousin's twice removed.
Tacos were great too!

Local church Bazaar this morning and off to visit cousin Pat this afternoon.
And what ever else the day brings.

Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...