Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Canyonville, OR

Hi all
We have been enjoying a couple of nights in this small Oregon community.
Quaint town with restaurants, antique shops and the normal town stuff.
Residents have been friendly and the pace seems to be relaxed.

All of this a bit surprising as there is a major casino less than a mile away.
I suspect the casino has as many employees as the town does residents.
We did well in the casino, good food, fun entertainment and I tripled my money.
Covered our eating out and  reduced the RV park rate by $5 per night.

The RV park is gorgeous.
Very well planned, landscaped and maintained.
All the amenities of high priced parks  and other than looks
does not have the feeling of the high price places.
This time of year most of the spaces change occupants every night.
I suspect it is an easy stop for "Snowbirds" going south on I-5.
This is the view just from our doorway.

Visited a couple of the antique shops in town.
Millie found some of the "Occupied Japan" figurines she collects.
I found a few photos.
Eclectic is the word for these shops, books, DVD's, photo accessories and tools all in one spot.

What I really want to know, does anyone still have a "Videodisc" player?

Glass is also very popular.
Both shops were loaded with glass of all colors.

So much of it dusty and in dark corners photos did not turn out very well.

Well, today we move on to Klamath Falls, OR.
We will get laundry done
Empty tanks and fill with fresh water,
and restock some groceries.
Then there will be days at BLM campgrounds likely with no services.
Probably no TV, cell or internet service.
Just lots of open country and quiet spaces.
I will be posting from Klamath Falls before we head for the Great Outdoors.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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