Friday, November 30, 2018

Rain, rain, rain.

Hi all
Here we are in the desert and all it did yesterday was rain.
According to the Las Vegas TV station it was a whole 1/4 inch
and they think that was a lot.
At home a 1/4  inch rain takes 15 minutes, not most of the day.
It did quit in the late afternoon
then we got out and did some shopping for needed supplies.
The morning started out with Millie not feeling as chipper as usual.
She took a morning nap and felt better then she spent the day quilting.
I just plain gave up and took a nap in the afternoon.
Was a good day to stay put, recover, relax and read.
With the rain over and clear skies,
we are going to head to the Tecopa, CA area today.
Stop in Shoshone, CA at the museum and then to Tecopa
and look for the Death Valley Brewing Co. for a beer.
Maybe a late lunch also if they have any food available.
Never know what else we may poke our noses into today.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Enjoying Pahrump

Hi all
Great day yesterday.
Lazy morning and headed for the museum around noon.
Nice museum, lots of local historical information about the area.

Never thought this would be a big cotton growing area.
No longer a crop, but sure helped build the town.

Some of the local vegetation and wildlife.

Beep Beep!

After the museum we checked a couple of thrift stores
then on to Home Depot for some materials to close up
a few openings to keep dust and cold air reduced.

Had a lovely evening of wine and pizza with Steve and Peggy
at their home here in Pahrump.
Fun to catch up on their kids and grandkids
Home after such fun and we were tired.

Today we worked on organizing the LSF
Got the dust under control.
Washed the windows and other duties.
So far today has been great, the rest should be just as good or better.
Sunset from the our site.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Good Morning

Hi all
Yesterday was a busy day

Laundry, wash n wax the truck and a nap.
Can't believe how tiring it is do normal projects.
Must be the desert!
Had waffle for breakfast, provided by the resort.
Conversation with other "residents" is so much fun
and glad the resort does these.
Last night was Brats and Tater Tots for $2 each.
Going to get fat eating here so inexpensively.
So nice to be staying put for a bit.
The stress of traveling (although we do enjoy the travel) and
finding places to stay, sometimes wears on us.

Going to find the local museum today
and a hardware store for a few parts.
Finish cleaning up on the inside of the trailer.
Dust is a problem in the desert and
we have not been keeping up with the accumulation very well.

Tonight we are invited to my Cousin Steve and Peggy's home
for drinks and pizza.
We have been there before and it is such a lovely home.
Can't wait to see new art works by Peggy.
Maybe even see some of Steve's woodworking projects
that he hasn't sold yet.
Should be a great and fun evening.

Make your day great and embrace those close to you.
Tom and Millie

Monday, November 26, 2018

Death Valley Crossing

Hi all
Yesterday started with a great sunrise over Owens Lake and valley.

And it is always enjoyable to watch the sunshine come down the mountain.
Also catching our nearest neighbor before they left.

Got packed up and headed for Death Valley.
Only about a 130 mile day, but lots and lots of ups and downs.
From 5000 feet to -100 feet in one day.
Three time over 4000 feet and twice at 5000.
Steep grades and tight corners made for a few "white knuckle" moments.
Our first view, this trip, of Death Valley Nat Park and first time from the west.

Miles and miles of straight roads in the valley.

Stopped in Stovepipe Wells for lunch and a bit of a rest.
Then made it to Pahrump, NV before 3 PM.
All checked in and relaxed in the 65° afternoon, sitting outside watching the other campers.
Nice RV Park with activities and amenities.
Such a change after dry camping and boon-docking.

This morning we had the free waffles for breakfast, provided by the park.
The rest of today we will be getting laundry, cleaning and truck wash done.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Highs and Lows

Hi all
We had a great day yesterday
and got good and tired so that contributed to a good nights sleep.

Started out with a drive up the Whitney Portal road
all the way to the end at just over 8400 feet in elevation. (the high)

Our truck indicated we were traveling up or down at 11° slope
and if my info is correct that equates to about a 19% grade.
That's steep!
Hope my engineering friends will correct me if that is not reasonably accurate.

Found our first frozen water fall at the top.

So many tall pines it was hard to get enough light for good photos.
Just have to deal with what I got, cause it was cold up there with the shade.
Lots of nice ice formations in the creek below.

The views of the Owens Valley and the Alabama Hills
from stops along the drive, are spectacular.
The Inyo Mountains in the background dwarf the Alabama Hills that look like
little hills in the valley from this location on the east side of the Sierra Nevadas.

After the drive back down and getting our equilibrium back to normal,
we headed into the Alabama Hills looking for arches. (the low)

This area is so unique for this part of the country.
Shapes, arches and lots of places to boon-dock

Maybe next time.
We hiked the Arches loop trail, less than a mile long.
The boyz loved the hike and enjoyed meeting other hikers.
They enjoyed exploring the arches and we are beginning to think
they have some mountain goat genes.

I think it is just because they have 4 paw drive with soft pads for traction,
Was a fun hike with lots of shapes and views.

Millie stopped and waited for the boyz to find the trail.

Walking among the boulders.

Temps in the Hills were around 70
which made for a very comfortable leisurely hike.
The views of the Sierra Nevada Mountains from the Alabama Hills is spectacular.
Further into winter and they should be snow covered and make for even better views.

Maybe next time.
Make your day great and embrace the wonders around you.

Tom and Millie

Saturday, November 24, 2018

History Day

Hi all
Started out the day with Millie seeing
our friendly Indian neighbor watching the sunrise.

Yesterday was history day for us.
Visited the Manzanar War Relocation Center,
a National Historic Site.

This is just one of the Japanese "internment" camps
used during WWII to incarcerate more than 110,000 people of Japanese descent.
Manzanar was built and housed around 10,000
with the remainder spread around the country.
There is a lot of history there,
and a lot that should not be forgotten.
Glad it was a beautiful day

helping to keep depression from taking over while
reading and walking through the history there.

Walking around the grounds it is hard to imagine what life was like at that time.

Conditions could be, or were, difficult at best for so many people in such a small area.
Though presented with such conditions it did appear the people endeavored
to make life as comfortable as possible.
They created orchards, gardens and maintained a mutual desire
to endure what was force upon them.

Most of what they created is lost and Mother Nature
has reclaimed most of the grounds.

Some of the buildings have been recreated to help the visitor
to understand what life was like.
This was erected in the cemetery as a memorial to those who did not survive.

This to remember how they struggled to make normality out of the desert.

We drove into the desert to see the reservoir
that had been constructed originally to supply water to the orchards of Owens Valley.
When Manzanar was built it was upgraded and supplied water for the Relocation Center.

Walking around I got some shots of the views and how nice the day was.
With the clouds clinging to the mountains and the mostly sunny skies.

After Manzanar we fueled up the truck
stopped for the dreaded Micky D's
and headed back to our LSF.
Nice evening of Nachos, Cribbage and working on scrapbook and photos.
Looking forward to some sightseeing and hiking today.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Friday, November 23, 2018

Tuttle Creek BLM Campground

Hi all
Excellent Verizon service here, was really unexpected
and very appreciated.
Easy trip over with little wind and no snow on the road in the pass.
Many miles along the eastern front of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Tuttle Creek is a fairly large BLM campground.
It is maybe about a third full
so we had no trouble finding a very nice spot for a few days.

Sunshine, stars, full moon and quiet.
Beautiful views and sunrise.

Located at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Where we can watch the sunrise on the mountains.

About due east of Mt. Whitney, tallest peak in California.
We can also enjoy the full moon on the mountains.

Will be exploring the area today, in our typical fashion.
Wander about and see what we find.

Make your day great, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

We're Back (at least for one post)

Hi all
Time to catch you up on our journeys since Crater Lake.
I know it has been a few days as we had been without
internet and often any phone service since Klamath Falls.

We continued our trek Eastward through Lakeview, OR
and dropping down into NE Nevada.

To Virgin Valley Warm Springs Campground.
This spot is about 30 miles from Denio, NV,
and that is a small community.
The campground was not very crowded

and the couple from British Columbia seemed very nice.
Yep that was it us and them and the resident Coyote and Rabbits.

On the full day we were there, stayed 2 nights, we hiked up a road/trail
You would need a serious 4X4 high clearance, with all the bolts
recently tightened, vehicle to actually call it a road.

Otherwise you could call it a divided trail.
We went to the end, about 2 miles and maybe a 1000 feet above the campground.

Found amazing views of the valley and enough cell service to get out a few texts.
Back at the campground we donned our swim suits and went and relaxed in the pool.

Gravel bottom and one side built up to have the ladder.
It was the warm spring at about 95 degrees.
Just perfect for relaxing after a long hike.
The same morning it had been 12 degrees when I got up
and only got up to mid 50's during the day.
Yeah, it was chilly getting out of the pool.
But, it was right into the bathhouse for free flowing showers direct from the spring.

We also found out the "potable water" was direct from the spring and warm.
Reminded us of the free drinking water at Hot Springs, AR.
Very good water that we filled all our water jugs.
Did I mention this was all free!

Saturday we packed up and moved on to Rye Patch, NV
A very nice State Recreation Area Campground.

Stayed 2 nights, did a little sightseeing and mostly relaxed.
Again only a few spots occupied the first night and only 2 of us second night.

We did share the campground with a herd of deer,
about 10 with one being a good looking buck and a few rabbits.

Very high desert area and wide open, except the campground in the valley
just below the dam, and only about a mile off the interstate.

During the sightseeing, we found reasonable cell service
and I made reservations to get us to Las Vegas by Dec. 3 where we
will meet up with our daughter Chelsey, she is attending a conference for her work.

Packed up the next morning and headed for Hawthorne, NV

On the way we learned more about diesel engines and how the little things
add so much to the cost of running one.
Mostly the pollution control schemes we have been forced to tolerate.
Won't go into it as it only cost us a little time and a few gallons of fuel.
I will put out a big "Thanks" to the Ford garage in Fallon, NV
and the tech that gave me advice. He could have scheduled me in
and done the same thing for $100 per hour.
I really do appreciate free, accurate advice.

Well, we made it to Hawthorne a couple hours behind what we anticipated.
Got set up just as it was getting dark, had an adult beverage and relaxed.
Yesterday we got up and headed to Lee Vining, CA 
About an hour drive to see Mono Lake.
The drive over was very boring as it is just high desert
and fairly monotone.
However once we crested the pass,
the Sierra Nevada mountains were in sight.
Very enjoyable skyline as we approached.
Could see Mono Lake nearly all the way as we came down into the valley.

On the south side of the lake, we hiked the trails down to the shoreline.
Now those of us that are near lake country in Minnesota
wouldn't think that much would be different at another high desert lake shore.

Well, this is one that is worth the hike.
What Mother Nature does with the materials handed her is amazing.

Late afternoon and overwhelmed with sights and hiking.
We stopped in Lee Vining for a bite to eat.
Only one place open but, the food and service were excellent.
 Just about sunset when we headed back to our LSF
Sun was to our backs and twilight in the desert changes the look so much.

Was a great day with perfect weather and with the love of my life.

Today we have chores, laundry, cleaning, groceries, fuel and hope for time
to visit the Ordinance Museum here in Hawthorne.

Make your day great and may you find blessings throughout.

Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...