Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Busy day

Hi all
What a day
Started with lining up accommodations for the next week
Finding out we could stay another night at Camp Roberts
and to do so we had to move to another site.
Tomorrow we move to Point Mugu
near to Oxnard, CA
We are going to be on the beach
and hope the weather does not force evacuating
due to high winds.

After we moved we packed up and headed out
for a day of being a tourist
Stopped for breakfast and headed for San Simeon, CA
Nice drive with a bit of rain and some fog.

Got to Hearst Castle about 1PM
Got right into a tour and off for site seeing.
Lots of photos so I will just post them with only a few comments.

Veiw from the top

Some of the grounds.

This is the outdoor "Neptune" pool, currently having some repairs made.
The pool is all tile

This looks a bit like the dining hall at Hogworts.
The tapestries on the wall were huge
and many very old.

Most people are lucky to have a room with one pool table.

The indoor pool was amazing
The tile work is unbelievable, can hardly imagine the amount of "man hours" spent 

And a couple that you all may know.

And after we watched the movie about WR Hearst and the building of his castle
we went to the beach for the sunset.

Rain to sun all day and warm (60°) to chilly (43°) on our way home.
Simple supper of salad and soup.
Get the blog done and head for bed.
Big move tomorrow.
Great day and hope for more to come.

Hugs to all 
Tom and Millie

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