Friday, January 8, 2016

Beautiful day

Hi all
Today started out with a wonderful sunrise.
Right out our kitchen window.

On my morning walk I got a good photo of our campsite.

Today we started out going to Thousand Oaks, CA
To meet an OLP friend of many years.
OLP = On Line Photographers.
The group is unfortunately not online any longer
and many of us are still online friends through Facebook.
Pat is as wonderful as all the other OLP members I have met.
Gracious and with a very interesting life.
Listening about her life and her children and grand children
was very enjoyable, and lunch was great.
We all decided to go to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
Only a few miles down the road from Pat's home.

I expect many of the Presidential Libraries are just as good
of course each different just like the men and life during the times they served.
I was almost overwhelmed.
Something new around every turn and so much I never knew at the time.

 Maybe even a forward thinker,
or this may be true of nearly any time in our country's history.

So many displays and video
Millie acting Presidential.
I was so proud.
Getting on board!

The President's office in Air Force One.

And of course doing things the American way.
Air Force One

Memory of Ronald Wilson Reagan

And the big question of every election.

And a few the views from the Library.
 Millie and Pat

And of course
Me and my bride being welcomed by Ronnie!

A beautiful view!
Well, after we went to Pat's and enjoyed looking around her yard.
Enjoyed hearing about all the different plants
With the right weather it would be gorgeous.
That was our day with a beautiful lady
and memories of Ronald Reagan

Thanks Pat.

Now laundry is done, thanks to my wonderful wife.
Finish up the blog and time for bed.
So nice to finally have some lovely weather.
Tom and Millie

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