Saturday, January 30, 2016

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Hi one and all
Got a few photos from yesterday that I forgot about after the long drive.
First of all, our campsite for the last week

No grass, but the dog run was enjoyed by the fur kids
and it was only sand.

Then the drive, long and cool through the desert.

Then we found this great property for sale.
Think we could have bought a lot of it cheap.
Not sure if the kids thought it was a good idea
other than there would be no neighbor disagreements and
no lawn mowing!

The black cinder cone is many miles away.
It is a nice open view.

Today we got the fur kids in for grooming
They did great and look great.
This is their buddy Sadie Bell
Shawn and Mark's Maltese

Our fur kids have the same cut now, except the ear fur is a bit longer.
I'm sure I will post some of them in the future.

Thought about the sunset tonight and realized the only good view was to the SE
Usually great for sunrise
but tonight..................

Caught up on the news and the photos.
Make tomorrow great and
Tom and Millie

Friday, January 29, 2016

Short Post

Hi all
Yesterday was a good travel day
Blue highways and very little traffic
Made it to Henderson, NV just outside of Las Vegas
This morning the fur kids all went in for grooming.
We went out to breakfast with Shawn
and now going to catch up on bills and that kind of stuff.

Maybe more later, will see what the day brings.
Tom and Millie

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Road Trip

Hi one and all
Tuesday started the day out with
another boring sunrise. LOL

After breakfast we picked up
Bill and Anne, OLP friends from British Columbia, at their RV park
and went on a road trip
Plan was Salton Sea in Southern California
Drove by it and up to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

Beautiful desert park and wonderful Visitors Center

You really have to like the desert ecosystem to enjoy this park
and I highly recommend visiting only in the winter.
I am betting it gets a bit toasty during the summer
but, some like it hot!

After we went into Borrego Springs for lunch
Thanks again Bill and Anne
Then on down the highway to

The metal creatures were all created by a local artist
and are spread up and down the highway in the desert
neat part is some you have to drive out to see.
Lefty really liked the camels and tried to bite one
Was hoping that would make him a bit shyer about biting

Here are some of the others and by no means all of them.

And the most noted one

The 300+ foot dragon that crosses under the road.
Here Bill and Anne show the dragon really is tame.

And on our way back out of the park
we stopped and photographed the Salton Sea

Yes, that thin blue line just below the distant mountain range is the Salton Sea.
We are about 15 miles from the sea at this point.
Continued on and drove down to the water, 235 feet BELOW sea level
Just a couple of feet higher than Death Valley
However if you checked at the current lake level it may be lower.
I don't know how they figured a lake that varies more than 30 feet.

This is the beach from the jetty along the boat ramp
the boat ramp you could not use because it is above the water level.
The white is not sand, it is salt, Salton Sea is 3 times saltier than the ocean.

Long drive back and was tired
and worth every bit of the drive.
I have to say that without Bill and Anne's
direction to the desert park, it would have been a bust.
Millie and I would have been very disappointed
had we made that long trip and only looked at the big lake
that smelled a bit like fish.
So Bill and Anne saved the day and are
wonderful company for a road trip.
Hoping to come back next year
and spend some more time wandering around So. Cal.
Great to have fun guide service.

Today, yes I kind of skipped a day,
Millie spent some time in the pool and spa.
Got laundry caught up and relaxed for a while in the sun with
me and the fur kids.
Got some trailer duties done and started getting ready to move.
Tomorrow we head to Henderson, NV
to visit with Shawn and Mark.
Shawn is Marie's oldest daughter and would be my step-sister.

Hugs to all and we're back on the road again.
Tom and Millie

Monday, January 25, 2016

Wow, Joshua Tree Nat. Park

Hi all
Yesterday, yes I know I did not post last night, we went to Joshua Tree National Park.
That's why no post,
spent till midnight going through photos
and this morning.

You know me, I took a lot of photos.
Got going at a decent time in the morning
hoping we could get through the main loop before sunset.

The loop is about 25 miles and is not really a loop
as we come out 18 miles down the highway.
So here are a bunch of moments from the day.
 Look close it really is Millie
and Pancho just had to pose.

And of course this is why my knee is sore today
Did have fun climbing around.

 Yes, it really is desert.
The only water we saw was the bottles in the truck.
Although there is one exception you will see later.

This is what most of it looked like, vegetation few and far between.
Even though sparse, very diverse.

Up to Keys Viewpoint, about 5500 feet of elevation.
And a little walk to the top
Could see mountains
and valleys, that is the Salton Sea to the left

The San Adreas Fault with Palm Springs at the base of the mountains in the background.
On the way back down into the desert.

Millie gave me this for, well, I guess cuz she likes me.

 I think it is safer for me to photograph the rocks than what this guy is doing!

And after we got through the park,
we went to the Visitor's Center and the Mara Oasis

Did not see much for wild life,
that would stand still
just this friendly little one.

Lots of these and many different kinds.

And Millie got a great shot of a Yucca
We even found out how to tell them apart from
Joshua trees.

Places we did not go too near to.
Saw lots of people climbing 
and other people running around on the rocks.
Think the name here lets you know what it could be like.
If you don't know what you are doing.
And we didn't!
So we stayed on trails and the ground.

That was our big day
Now today we are cleaning
organizing and planning for
the Salton Sea with Anne and Bill tomorrow!

Just another day in Paradise
and Millie just reminded me it is 5 o'clock somewhere
Cheers! and hugs
Tom and Millie

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Easy Day

Hi all
Kept today to a minimum
although I still did not get a nap
Headed out to Yucca Valley with the intent
of going to the California Welcome Center
Missed it and went to the quilt shop (surprise!)
Well it was also an Art gallery and a gift store.
After about an hour of visiting with the owners
we got back on the road and headed into the desert for lunch
Pioneertown, CA,

was supposed to have been built
as movie background. There were many movies
filmed there. And we got to eat lunch and walk the "Mane" street.

Lots of old looking buildings that now house several
period type Artisans.


Fooled around there for a while then went in for lunch.

Was loud, crowded and slow
the food was good
and the beer cold.

And after found the art work
Looks like it was inspired by a scene from E. T. the Extraterrestrial.

Then went for a drive up the canyon
Saw this nice little "place" up the hill

And the rocks in some areas are pretty amazing

Will be getting more of these photos
This was only a small pile.

Then went looking for property
found a nice buildable lot

If we could bring the water from the lake
we would have our own oasis.
Many of the properties have large tanks
I am guessing they buy and have their water hauled in.
Maybe not ready to move, yet!
And on our way back to civilization

Made a short drive back to one of the Nat. Park campgrounds
and looked around to see if we wanted to move there for a few days.
The sites were all too small for us to fit into
and appeared everybody likes sleeping on the ground in tents
crowded in like a city.
Made the RV Park look pretty spacious.

Back home and a few chips and home made
bean and salsa (commercial peach pineapple) dip
with an adult beverage
finish up the blog and Downton Abby
Ready for bed and new adventures in Joshua Tree Nat. Park.

Make tomorrow great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...