Thursday, October 10, 2019

San Luis Valley

Hi all
Still enjoying the wonderful weather.
Going to change today.
Started out about 40 today and only up into the 50's for a high.
Into the teens tonight, bbrrr!
Guess it is time to move on through the cold weather.
Yeah, don't tell me, I know it is warmer at home.

Yesterday we spent time at Great Sand Dunes National Park.
Crowds were small and that always makes for a great experience.
Advantage to visiting this time of year.
Sand Dunes are big. These are the tallest dunes in North America.

Took the "high clearance 4X4" primitive road as far as the
parking lot at the "Point of no Return"
From there the conditions required a vehicle that you could lower the air in the tires.
Due to long areas of soft deep sand.
Would have been great to go up to the pass.
The Aspen are in full color.

Just need wide soft tires, not only for the sand, but to soften the ride over the rocks.

Had ours in 4X4 low so we could go walking slow.

From there we had a picnic under the Aspens and sunshine.

Then on down to the dunes.
Big soft sand beach and a quarter mile walk to the dunes.

Neither Millie or I had any interest in testing our circulatory system
enough to climb any dune or walk that far in the soft sand at 8000+ feet.
Took photos and let the dogs bark and kick up dust.

Home to our LSF, a bottle of wine, Mac n Cheese with ham and half a Turkey sandwich.
OK, so "tomorrow" we will work on healthy.
Sunset and twilight in the desert.

Actually watched a little TV along with image editing.
Pancho learning how to use the recliner and watch TV

Today we may be packing to travel.
At least we have to decide if we travel Fri or Sat.
Since it is going to be windy, gust up to 40 and only mid 50's, no plan other than pack.
Hey, it is still sunny!

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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