Friday, October 19, 2018

The end of our northerly direction.

Hi all
We are here at an RV park that is just "holler'n" distance of Canada.
Oroville, WA in the Bains RV Park, a little happy surprise gem.

It is about a half mile from the border, maybe a half mile from the highway
up on the hill with a great view of Osoyoos Lake.

Yesterday afternoon we met up with our friends Lee and Gaye.
Local pizza, sandwich and bakery, for supper.
Is so great to meet back up with people we enjoy.
Made plans for today and some tentative plans for our stay.
Some wineries, maybe a brewery and definitely some sightseeing.
Again, since this is their home territory, the guide service is spectacular.

Trip over was uneventful, which is nice, a pretty drive with the fall colors.

In the 100 mile journey, we went over 2 passes
and the truck performed well on 6% grades.

Time to get ready and go see what the day brings.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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