Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Noxon, MT

Hi all
Another move on a beautiful day.
Trip was uneventful (good thing) and a gorgeous drive.
The last half of the drive was traveling down the Clark Fork River.
Although much slower than I-90, the scenery is worth the drive.

Maybe it was the sunshine and peak color in the changing leaves.
You also get to go to Paradise.

This make the 3rd Paradise we have been to.
Montana, Arizona and Nevada, guess Paradise is where ever you make it!

All set up here at Two Rivers RV Park.
Pretty sparse occupancy, making us feel pretty special.

Today we are going up to Ross Creek Cedars.
Last time we were there we enjoyed the hike and the old growth cedars.
Hoping for another enjoyable day.

Our old girl, Elska, is not doing real well.
Hard time breathing and sleeps nearly all the time.
Have to pick her up and take her out.
At least she knows what to do when outside.
Starting to accept she won't be with us much longer.

We are going to make this day great and enjoy all the blessing we have.
Make your day great, too!
Tom and Millie

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