Thursday, October 11, 2018

Back again, now in Coeur d'Alene

Hi all
It has been a real roller-coaster for a few days.
Tuesday we relaxed and had breakfast,
loaded up the pups and headed up to Ross Creek Cedars.
Weather was cool, cloudy and breezy.
A beautiful drive up to the park and the colors were really showing off.

Took the boyz for a long walk on the trails, Elska was not up for a walk,
so she stayed and protected the truck.
After a wonderful walk among the fantastic old Cedars

we went back to the campground for a late lunch.

Later that afternoon, Elska's struggle to breath seemed to get worse
and she was loosing strength in her ability to even stand.
So we put in a movie and cuddled with her
and about an hour later she passed over the Rainbow Bridge.
We were so fortunate to have her as part of our lives for 16 great years.

Wednesday was our day to move on to Coeur d'Alene, ID
so we contacted a Vet near there to have Elska's remains cremated and sent home.
Was hard to leave her in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people.
She was a traveler though, and loved going places and meeting people.
She will make the final trip to the lake in the spring.

Wednesday afternoon arriving to spend a few days with Phil and Sheri (sp?)
at the Spokane Yacht Club right on the river.

Phil and Sheri came over, after we were set up, and sat and visited with us by the river.
In the sunshine and finally pretty weather.
It does seem to me that God does provide just what you need, when you need it.

Our site is great, the view is great and the sun came up promising a wonderful new day.

Will let you all know what the day brings.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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