Friday, October 12, 2018

Sunshine and Happy Days

Hi all
We had a great day with Phil and Sherry, yesterday.
Relaxed in the morning and just before noon we headed out for a tour.
Phil and Sherry had both been in Real Estate so they were excellent guides.
Toured along the lake, downtown, residential areas
and excellent lunch, including meeting Valerie.
She is a friend of theirs, retired and now a local artist.
Sat on the patio in the sunshine visited and enjoyed our lunch.
Next on our agenda was the floating boardwalk around the marina.

On to the hotel lobby and visiting.
Started getting thirsty so we walked to the Badass Backyard Brewery.

Again, good beer, sunshine and great conversation.
We talked a lot about RVing experiences and places.
At the end of the afternoon we made our way back to the Yacht Club.
The night time view from the Yacht Club is just the perfect background
for enjoying an evening along the river.

The best way to learn about and experience a place is with
great people that know and are willing to share about the area.

This morning we had a treat on the hillside just outside of the Yacht Club.

Today is going to bring new adventures, not all we know about yet.
Make your day great!

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...