Monday, April 16, 2018

Life in the desert

Hi all
Here it is again several days since I posted.
I would like to say we have been busy, but alas,
maybe it is just that I am a bit lazy?
We seem to be slowing down getting to all the exciting places
and since we have been here before and did those, could be the reason.
So to start with our final day up at Cloudcroft brought us a cool sunny morning.
Decided to go see Sunspot, NM, especially since it sounded like
something you get from being in the sun too much.

A beautiful morning drive through the tall pines and alpine meadows to a bit over 9000 feet.
Sunspot, NM is an observatory dedicated to exploring the sun.
Although the place is being decommissioned and replace by a new facility in Hawaii
It is still partially functioning.
The welcome/visitor center is closed and only the big “telescope” is being used regularly.

This telescope is 130 feet above ground and 230 feet below ground.

The walk around the grounds on the self guided tour was enjoyable.
Millie checking out the fancy sundial, I kind of want one at the lake!
It tells the season, date and time and likely more as that was all I figured out.

Leaving that research facility we went “next door” to the Apache Observatory.
It is still active and even though we could not enter any buildings,
We got a good walk with our furry companions.
Then we drove around in the woods for a little and just enjoyed the sunny, cool day.
Wednesday morning we packed up and headed to Holloman Air Force Base
between Alamogordo and White Sands National Monument, NM.
Got all set up in the FamCamp, including laundry and grocery duty.
Thursday and Friday we stayed pretty close to home.
Winds were 30+ MPH, gusting to 50+ and the air was full of sand.
Plugged many of the holes RVs have to remove condensation, just to keep the dirt out.
Turn on the AC and enjoy the “rock’n and roll’n”.
Winds let up slightly for night time and back again in the morning.
When in Cloudcroft I discovered the rear tires on the trailer had some severe wear
On the inside with nearly no tread left on the inside ¼ of the tire.
So Thursday I did venture out to find and schedule an appointment
with a frame shop to straighten the rear axel, which likely got bent from potholes along our way.
We knew we hit several, unavoidable on the freeways out east, 
just did not discover tire damage till now.
Got that all lined up along with 2 new tires for Tuesday.
With luck all will be done in one day and we can be back at the FamCamp 
ready to travel safe on Wednesday.
Saturday woke up to clear, sunny, chilly and only a light breeze.
Got rolling and headed for Valley of Fires National Recreation Area, NM

Very interesting, 5000 year old lava flow about 2-5 miles wide and 44 miles long.

One of the youngest in the USA.
Nice 3/8 mile walk interpretive trail through the lava flow.

Unbelievable how much vegetation finds it’s way to grow, may even be more than the surrounding high desert.
The black rock makes such a great visual background for the plants.

Our furry companions were exhausted after the walk and slept all the way back to the BWB.
They were not intimidated by this guy, although we did avoid him. "Stick" men are scary.

On our way back we stopped at the Tularosa winery, 
tasted a few wines and enjoyed some light conversation.
Bought a few wines and they were reasonably priced, 
also found out they allowed overnight stays in their parking area. Good to know.
Sunday I went out to White Sands National Monument, 
Millie stayed at the BWB and relaxed quilting.

We had been there last time we were here and Millie was sure the sand dunes had not changed much.
She was right, although I wanted to try to get some good photos.
So I went in the morning and walked back into the dunes.
It is a great photo challenge out in the dunes with full sun on the white sand and deep blue sky.

With the mountains in the haze on the horizon, added another challenge.
I hate to say it but the best I could do was black and white.

Guess it is just something you need to experience for yourself.

The contrast is amazing, the sand really is white (actually gypsum grains).

It’s the same stuff that is in the drywall on your walls and ceilings.
Returned home to get some groceries bought and window shop at the Exchange here on base.
Put those away and enjoyed an adult beverage on the patio with nice temps and a light breeze.
Don’t really know what all today will bring, do have to get the BWB ready to go to the frame doctor.
With highs in the mid 80’s and winds around 20 mph, should be great to enjoy the patio and RV life.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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