Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Getting ready to move North

Hi all
Yesterday was tiring, yes, pun intended. 😁
Appointment at 11 for 2 new tires on the BWB.
Replacing the damaged ones from the bent axle.

Then at 1 the appointment for the work to be done to straighten and align the BWB axle.
Tires went good and reasonable cost.
Then dragged the trailer to the frame shop.
Dropped it off there then went for lunch.
Knowing we had several hours to ourselves while the work being done,
we took the furry companions to a dog park.
Even though it was about 85 out, Lefty and Pancho had fun running unrestrained.
Elska walked around and checked out all the smells.
I however was having trouble breathing.
The dry air and the dust in the air from the high winds, I believe were the cause.

The mountains in the background usually are very clearly visible.
Bought some dust masks and while we whittled away the time.......
Stopped at several Thrift stores and while Millie shopped, I took naps in the truck.
AC running and mask on face, I slept away the stops.
The masks and the naps assisted for significant improvement.
About 4 we stopped at the frame shop and saw the trailer had not moved.
Talked to the owner and reminded him it was our home, not an accessory.
Well, Jerry got busy and asked his crew to work late and get caught up.
Was so nice to see the smiles on those gentlemen's faces.
Jerry and Mary have created a great work space and have good employees.
So about 6:30 it was done and we were on our way back to the RV Park.
Relaxed and enjoyed sitting outside as the day cooled and the wind died.

Today we head North a couple of hundred miles.
In a few days traveling like that we should be in the Denver area.
And surprise Shawn, should be early next week!

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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