Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Final Ft Worth and moving on

Hi all
We had a great time in Ft Worth visiting Millie's family.
Finally got a chance to get together with Dawn, Mike and Jane's daughter.

Missed Gary, Dawn's spouse, as he had to work. Maybe next year in Kansas?
Thanks again to Gary and Dawn for the RV parking space at their home in Kansas.

Yesterday we moved on to Abilene State Park just outside of Abilene, TX.
On the way we stopped at a RV dealer and refreshed our memory
of the Arctic Fox RV we ordered and will receive after we get back home.
Still love everything about it.

Our site at this park feels secluded.

The park is heavily wooded and sites are space well to provide that feeling.
Got set up, poured an adult beverage, started a campfire and had a great supper.

Enjoyed sitting around the fire until well after dark.
So quiet we complained about the noisy jets flying at 35,000 feet. LOL
Just before sunset we had a visit from some Texas wildlife.

Interesting creature the Armadillo. Was shy but not really afraid of us or the barking dogs.
I would venture they are not harassed in the park.
Not sure how they are accepted in residential areas as they appear to root in the forest floor.
I suspect their diet is grubs and insects.

No idea what today will bring.
Likely explore the park, nearby town of Buffalo Gap and maybe back to Abilene.
Millie is looking for ideas on the very slow 4G available.
May head out and get better speeds to see what Google can find.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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