Monday, April 30, 2018

Last Day of April 2018

Hi all

Three months out and going to make the final run for home.
And you all know that will take about a week, at our usual speed,
for us to travel from Denver to Fargo.
Been fun here with Shawn and Mark
Enjoyed meeting Johnsey(sp), their Great nephew
and his family's 3 Maltese.
For those of you that know Lefty, he got along fine with all of them.
He just has trouble meeting new people and dogs,
once he feels we are comfortable, he is too.
Dogs are funny, or really perceptive of their humans.

Today we get prepped to head out tomorrow morning.
Heading north to Wyoming, South Dakota and home state of North Dakota.
Planning to do a state park, national recreation area and a national park.
All to get home, avoid the incoming weather
and trying to keep the wind at our backs.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Day trip

Hi all
We made it to Shawn and Mark’s.
All set up in their driveway, now living the good life.
We have had wonderful weather and been enjoying their hospitality.
Their deck and back yard are just great with this weather.
Also wish we had that much room in our house.
Yesterday Millie, the fur creatures and I went up
and I do mean up, to Estes Park, CO,
gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park.
Drove to the Park and was able to do the park loop.

The road through the park to the west is still closed for the winter.
We did drive up to the gate at 9700 feet and gave our lungs some exercise.

On the downhill side we came across a heard of young bull Elk.

After trying to get them to pose, and failing, we continued on down, back to Estes Park.

There is so much road construction going on in the town which made getting around difficult.
We did get to one brewery, but there was no shade or pet friendly patio,
So we went to Snowy Peaks Winery where we found shade for the creatures.
On our way out of town we came across
a herd of yearling Big Horn Sheep feeding along the road.
There was one adult with them and they seemed to not care about the traffic or the humans.

Even Lefty barking did not seem to faze them for long.
Further down the road we took a turn off into the woods.
Was nice to get off the beaten path and really enjoy some Colorado mountains and meadows.
Came across a herd of 2 or 3 year old Big Horn Sheep that also were not shy and did pose.

“Played” with them for several minutes and got some great photos.
On down the mountains we saw several small herds of Mule Deer.
Traveling on such a busy road we were unable to find a spot near the herds to park, 
so no photos.
We did find it interesting that more wildlife was spotted outside the park.
Possible they were at lower elevations and not yet moved back up to the high meadows or
Staying close to “Man” gave them greater access to food.

Stopped for creature food in Longmont and got to participate in rush hour.
Nothing like it would have been in Denver, but there are way too many people around here.
Back to the BWB and another great home cooked meal with Shawn and Mark.
No plans as of yet for today, maybe a local brewery or two.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Thursday, April 26, 2018

More Colorado

Hi all
Morning at the Royal Gorge KOA, sort of had the place to ourselves.

We did all we planned to do and even had lunch at a local burger place.
Started the morning going over Sky Line Drive.
Nearly had Millie down on the floorboards.
Not a very long drive, just intense and that is the road, not a walking path.
Our truck just barely fit, good thing it is a one way road.

From there on to The Winery at Holy Cross Abby in Canon City, CO.
The grounds and buildings were wonderful and so was the weather.

After tasting and buying wine we did the self directed tour of the Abby.
Did not have access to much and it was quite plain compared to
Minnesota's St Joseph or ND's Richardton Abby's.
The grounds were nice and we had a nice walk.

After that we went to Bunkhouse Burgers for lunch.
Great place and we had the fish sandwich (excellent) and
their homemade chips (also excellent).
From there a couple of thrift stores, fuel and of course, a quilt shop.
Home to the BWB, cocktails and a light supper.
I played with Photoshop

The next morning we packed up and headed to Shawn and Mark's new place
North of Denver between Loveland and Greely, CO.
Made the drive through Denver just after lunch hour and before rush hour.
Not to bad, just reinforces my desire to avoid big cities, when you can.
Only other choices were mountain roads, way out of the way roads or
the toll road around Denver which would have cost around $50.
Decided to hit the low traffic time right through the middle of Denver.

Got here safe and sound, set up in their driveway and relaxed.
Yesterday Millie and Shawn stayed busy with Shawn's knitting groups.
Mark and I stayed home with their Grandnephew and the 7 dogs.
Everyone was well behaved, even Mark and me.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Monday, April 23, 2018

Hi All

Yesterday we got clean, showers, laundry and the inside of BWB.
Kind of like Spring cleaning, at least for the BWB
Then with sunshine, mild temps and a light breeze
we headed up to Royal Gorge Bridge and Park.

Both of us had been there before, I with my Dad about 50 years ago
and Millie with Carissa about 15 years ago.
The attraction has changed a lot.
The descriptions I read led us to believe it would be a big time tourist trap.
What is there is all new within the last 5 years 
since a fire in 2013 destroyed most of the buildings.
I was surprised at the security in place, made me think of an airport, minus the x-ray machines.
The facility has been well done.
It included a restaurant, bar, and snack shacks in areas around the grounds.
There is a Zip line that goes across the gorge and a large swing that goes out over the gorge
both of these cost $$ above the entrance fee.

The entrance fee gives you full access to all of the grounds, the bridge, a playground for kids
and unlimited rides on the gondola that crosses the gorge.

The grounds were designed to handle large crowds, which we did not have.
The views are awesome.

All in all I thought we got our money’s worth, spending the better part of an afternoon

Riding the gondola, walking the grounds and watching people on the rides.
Walked across the bridge (the main attraction) 

had a bite to eat and wandered our way back to the BWB.
Quiet evening at home and looking at plans for tomorrow.

Today planning to do Skyline drive, Holy Cross Abby Winery, 
top off the fuel tank, pick up a few groceries and get the BWB ready to travel.

High (elevation) in Colorado..............
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Off the grid.

Hi all
Back out of the high mountain back woods of New Mexico.
Sugarite Canyon State Park and it is back up in a canyon with no cell, data, tv or radio.
Does make us appreciate today’s connectivity and instant information.
After Alamogordo we went to Santa Rosa State Park near Santa Rosa, NM.
Just one night and it was very nice.

Sunrise was great.

Next day up to Sugarite Canyon.
Settled in and enjoyed a nice meatloaf, potatoes and grilled veggies.
Next day we drove up to Caputin Volcano National Monument.

Drove up and over the mountains and had snow, did not stick to the road.
Herd of Elk, just a lousy photo.,

The Monument was interesting, however the wind and weather drove us of the rim.

So we moved on to Raton, NM for some shopping, fuel and Mexican food.
Heavy snow, so we had to move on quickly to get back up to camp.

Road was slushy, but not freezing, 4 wheel drive just for safety on the steep road.

Took our time getting ready to move this morning while waiting for it to warm up above freezing.

Took a drive up the canyon to Colorado. 
Road turned to gravel and after all the snow it was more mud than gravel. 
Turned around and stopped by the lake there and got a few photos.

Back to the BWB and got packed up and ready to travel.
The boys doing what they do best.

Had a very nice drive on the road to San Isabel, CO.
Up to over 9000 feet and snowing the whole way.
Roads only wet and there was little traffic.

Was slow but scenic, even though we could not see very far.
The snow on the trees and in the valleys. Just enjoyable.
Now we are at the Royal Gorge KOA for a few days.

Will do some sightseeing and checking out the area.
Not sure what other than Royal Gorge, so some mystery is still in our lives.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...