Saturday, November 14, 2015


Friday was a great day.
Took it easy in the morning, coffee breakfast and dog walking.
Jim had a Dr. appointment so Pat, Millie and I decided to all go along
Mostly for the ride and conversation.
Had to go to downtown Portland.
About an hour trip from their valley.
Traffic wasn't too bad and we got him there on time.
OHSU is quite the place.
A mix of University, medical, childrens hospital and VA
All built on a hill.
Then they put the road in between buildings.
I was told the employees do not park on site.
A tram was built to accommodate staff and patients access from
I assume river level parking or Metro stations.

After went to lunch at the Charter House
Been there a long time and great food and view.
 On the way back to "home"
we stopped at the Fabric Depot (for just 5 minutes)
Good thing Jim and I stayed in the truck.
Neither of us would have stood around in there for very long.
We talked and listened to 60's music, and just relaxed.
Have to when you are waiting for your wife.

Got back and watched the news from Paris.
Headed for bed.
Slept great and woke up to no rain.
Shall see how long that lasts today.

Make your day great and hug someone you care about.
Tom and Millie

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