Thursday, November 12, 2015

Still here!

Still out in the country near Boring, OR.
Having a great time with my Cousin.
Not doing a whole lot of wild and crazy activities
Just visiting relaxing, eating and drinking a little wine.
2 days of not always raining weather,
Wednesday we even saw some sunshine!
Coming up on a stretch of liquid sunshine
5-7 days.
Will see if we start to rust, I know it won't be a sunburn.

Still no photos as every time I go out and thinking about it
it is cloudy and/or raining.
I guess I will just have to "use the light" or lack of.

Will see what Thursday brings.
Millie is going with Cousin Pat and her friend for a "girls night out"
That leave me and Jim (Pat's spouse) to fend for ourselves
We have yet to decide what trouble we will get into.

So make your day great, we are doing the same.

Tom and Millie


Millie Penuel said...

Oregon is a beautiful state and we are enjoying staying put right now! Missing everyone and would love to hear from you.

Unknown said...

Filled our house with my quilting friends yesterday as we had mini group here. We made microwave oven bowls, talked a lot and relaxed.

Millie Penuel said...

Sounds like fun.

Millie Penuel said...

Sounds like fun.

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...