Saturday, November 28, 2015

Friday (Turkey Day Dos)

Woke up to another beautiful (chilly) morning.
Coffee, breakfast and then off to wash the truck
and pickup my camera that I left at Pat's.
Back "home" about Noon and trying to use internet
Verizon must be really clogged up with out of school smart phones
Finally got the bill payment set up so I gave up
Had to work on the slide out hoping to seal up the leak
We will see when it starts raining again.

Later to Jeff and Gayle's for Tday2
I almost think left overs are better
Every bit as good as yesterdays food (and it was great)
Visited and Millie and Gayle got to quilting stuff and appeared to have a great time.
Some of us watched a cute Disney animated movie
Then called it a night.

Along the way I got this shot of the boyz

 Along about sunset I tried to capture Mt Hood with the last light.
Hope for another clear day and will try again.

All in all a good day
May go printer shopping tomorrow
Other than that, no plans unless Jeff and Gayle come up with an idea.

Good night and dream well
Tom and Millie

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