Monday, October 9, 2023


Hi all

Not having internet makes it really challenging to post a blog. I have to edit photos, which of course has to happen either way, write and save in Word, then when I have internet compose and add the photos in the blog. Not hard, just have to be careful where I put things so putting it together later goes well.

We are still in Dinosaur National Monument and keep enjoying the perfect weather. Daytime 70’s, night 40’s, with sunny skies and often no wind at all. Fall colors are beginning to happen here.

Josie Morris’s cabin really speaks to what a person is capable of. At age 40 she moved back into the mountains and built her cabin, raised vegetable, had livestock and nearly self sustained for almost 50 years. The beauty of her valley had to be a big part of her desire to live that type of life.

I drove further back up into the mountains for some fantastic views. After a few miles of 4 wheel drive low, I found a great vista of the lowlands.

Pretty good day, when back at camp started getting ready to travel. Although it is gorgeous here, wanderlust is tapping in our brains. So we move on to more adventures.

Make your day great

Tom, Millie and Lefty

1 comment:

Roger Rotvold said...

♥️Love the pics!♥️

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