Sunday, October 22, 2023

 Hi all

We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much delicious food.

The colors of the leaves must have been near peak making traveling around with Ken and Muriel one scenic view after another. Just in the town of Harmony the colors were spectacular.

We also did several thrift stores, I know your surprised, and occasionally something grabs my eye. This case was just for a photo and not a purchase. Of course we also did find a few things to purchase. Sometimes I enjoy thrift stores and Millie always enjoy them.

From Harmony we moved to Brooklyn Park, MN for a visit and project assist with Chelsey and Levi. Finished up the baseboard on all of the floor covering they had completed installing. We also enjoyed Levi's cooking skills and enjoyed a nice bonfire. A few more projects to do and/or advise on then will be time to head for home. We did take time to go to the dog park with all three dogs. It is a really nice off leash park. We were worried about Lefty and his aggressive tendencies. However, with the two big dogs as part of his pack, he acted so well with other dogs, or just ignored them. It was a good trip and he got tired.


Had to include this photo called " Who Put Baby in the Corner?"

Our trip home is going to involve the RV going to the dealer we bought it from. Yes, Rob and Chris, something else broke. When we packed up to head to Chelsey's, the bedroom slide would not come in all the way on one side. Able to get it road worthy so I will let the dealer solve the issue. 

Make it a great day.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...