Thursday, October 5, 2023


Hi all

S’pose y’all been wondering where we are? It’s called “the middle of nowhere”. After leaving Buffalo and the Big Horn Mts, we spent a night in Rawlins, WY. 

Just an overnight for water fill , tank dump and laundry. Next morning we left Rawlins and traveled south first stopping at Flaming Gorge Dam.


From there we made our way to Dinosaur National Monument on the Utah/Colorado border. Great campground, beautiful scenery and absolutely no cell service within 5 miles. After a couple days here we went into  Vernal, UT for groceries, entertainment and of course, thrift stores. Got fuel and headed back to camp. I had managed to pick up a cold somewhere and we spent yesterday just laying in the sunshine, short walks and a bike ride. Millie worked on some needlepoint and we both listened to audio books. Lovely weather, upper 60’s, light breeze and sunny.

A few shots from around the campground.


That’s about it, will let you know of our continuing adventures next time.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

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