Sunday, October 1, 2023

 Good morning!

Our 2nd day near Buffalo, WY, we decided to  drive up into the Big Horn Mts. Beautiful day with light winds, sunny and mid 60's. Scoping out some potential "boondocking" spots and found several that could accommodate our rig and a lot that would not. Many were not accessible due to rough roads (nearly got Millie sick) and low hanging trees. All beautiful sites and many with breathtaking views.

Great drive, but the 9,000+ elevation took it's toll. After a stop for a picnic lunch we headed back to camp (4400') and took naps. Supper and some TV rounded out the day.

Next morning we moved on South to Rawlins, WY. Windy drive with lousy fuel mileage and fortunately, uneventful. Some Wyoming roadside scenery.

Got checked into an RV park and a big wind storm came through and rocked the camper pretty good. Sure glad we were off the highway by then. Showers, laundry, supper, a couple of episodes streaming and off to bed. 

Moon rise over Rawlins.

Moving on to Dinosaur National Monument today.

Make your day great,,

Tom, Millie and Lefty

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