Monday, October 16, 2023

 Hi all

After two nights on the mountain above Canon City, the weather made the decision for us to stay put. Fifty mile per hour gusty cross winds. The site we had was reserved so we ended up moving to the Day Use parking lot. Still a nice spot with a great view and beautiful sunset.

Next day we did move on across Colorado into NW Kansas. The city campground I planed for was in use. Food venders, games and no spots open. We then headed farther East to a town with a great campground on a small reservoir. A much prettier spot than the place we could not get into, so worth the extra drive. 

Next morning, headed for Nebraska. A state park East of Kearney, NE. Stayed here before with the Sandhill Crane migration, just a bit too early this year and no cranes. Went into Kearney to visit the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument. If you are traveling through it could be a stop worth planning a couple of hours to visit. The museum is built over I-80. We sure enjoyed the time spent. 

I spent a bit of time discussing maps with some old prospectors. Other stops in Kearney were all thrift stores. Millie enjoys them but I was tired and elected to rest in the truck. 

Back to camp and a light supper, clean up and The Voice. 

Off to Iowa tomorrow, a quick overnight at a casino and on to Minnesota. More to come when we get there.

Make the day great.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

1 comment:

Roger Rotvold said...

Great pictures on a great trip! Thanks for sharing!

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