Sunday, October 22, 2023

 Hi all

We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much delicious food.

The colors of the leaves must have been near peak making traveling around with Ken and Muriel one scenic view after another. Just in the town of Harmony the colors were spectacular.

We also did several thrift stores, I know your surprised, and occasionally something grabs my eye. This case was just for a photo and not a purchase. Of course we also did find a few things to purchase. Sometimes I enjoy thrift stores and Millie always enjoy them.

From Harmony we moved to Brooklyn Park, MN for a visit and project assist with Chelsey and Levi. Finished up the baseboard on all of the floor covering they had completed installing. We also enjoyed Levi's cooking skills and enjoyed a nice bonfire. A few more projects to do and/or advise on then will be time to head for home. We did take time to go to the dog park with all three dogs. It is a really nice off leash park. We were worried about Lefty and his aggressive tendencies. However, with the two big dogs as part of his pack, he acted so well with other dogs, or just ignored them. It was a good trip and he got tired.


Had to include this photo called " Who Put Baby in the Corner?"

Our trip home is going to involve the RV going to the dealer we bought it from. Yes, Rob and Chris, something else broke. When we packed up to head to Chelsey's, the bedroom slide would not come in all the way on one side. Able to get it road worthy so I will let the dealer solve the issue. 

Make it a great day.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Thursday, October 19, 2023

 Hi All

Nebraska provided a great rest stop at Windmill State Rec. Area. Even though there were no Sandhill Cranes, our little wild one enjoyed the campground.

The morning sunrise painted a picture of the day to come. 

Finishing our move across Nebraska, we ended up in Iowa at a casino RV Park. Literally a place to park your RV and have electricity. We did not spend any time gambling as the smoke in this casino is crazy. By the time I got us registered for the parking spot, I considered hanging my clothes outside to air. In the morning clouds hid the sunrise and gave a great photo op.

Long travel day across Iowa to Harmony, MN and a visit to several family in that area. Finally traveled into the Fall colors. Got set up in the City provided campground and out to eat with Ken and Muriel. Great restaurant and conversation. Back to camp and a full parking lot all around our campsite. The High School football field is just across the road and there was a big game. Hometown won and the parking was all cleared out by 10 pm. Quiet night, good night's sleep and woke ready for today.

 Preston, IA from the Branding Iron Supper Club.

Make it a great day

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Monday, October 16, 2023

 Hi all

After two nights on the mountain above Canon City, the weather made the decision for us to stay put. Fifty mile per hour gusty cross winds. The site we had was reserved so we ended up moving to the Day Use parking lot. Still a nice spot with a great view and beautiful sunset.

Next day we did move on across Colorado into NW Kansas. The city campground I planed for was in use. Food venders, games and no spots open. We then headed farther East to a town with a great campground on a small reservoir. A much prettier spot than the place we could not get into, so worth the extra drive. 

Next morning, headed for Nebraska. A state park East of Kearney, NE. Stayed here before with the Sandhill Crane migration, just a bit too early this year and no cranes. Went into Kearney to visit the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument. If you are traveling through it could be a stop worth planning a couple of hours to visit. The museum is built over I-80. We sure enjoyed the time spent. 

I spent a bit of time discussing maps with some old prospectors. Other stops in Kearney were all thrift stores. Millie enjoys them but I was tired and elected to rest in the truck. 

Back to camp and a light supper, clean up and The Voice. 

Off to Iowa tomorrow, a quick overnight at a casino and on to Minnesota. More to come when we get there.

Make the day great.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Thursday, October 12, 2023

 Hello everyone

Our time in the Grand junction area was productive, well, at least for retirees. Laundry, trailer duties, groceries and of course thrift stores. Believe or not we did not go to all of them. Just spent the first day getting everything done. 

Day two started off with beautiful weather and a drive through Colorado National Monument. If you like beautiful views, curvy roads and lots of elevation change, it is really worth the drive. Take a picnic lunch and enjoy one of the many pull outs. Suggestion, go from East entrance to West entrance, most all the view points are on that side so you don't have to cross traffic to access them. It will mean the passenger side will be right next to the drop off edge, so they should just look at the scenery and ignore the edge of the road.

After finishing the  drive it was time for wineries. Only had time for two, both of which were wonderful. We sat in the sun with Lefty (he acted like a gentleman), sipped wine and talked about the day and where we will be going next. On the way back to camp we stopped at a roadside produce stand and experienced a Loofah tunnel.

Yesterday, our travel day, we drove along the Gunnison River to Monarch Pass. Very nice travel weather and we got into a slight bit of snow on the pass. You did have to look real close to notice, but it was snow. Down the pass along the Arkansas River and into the Canon City East Ridge Campground. High up on the bluff overlooking Canon City. Millie made a "once around the fridge leftover casserole" and again amazed me how good that can be. Fortunately it solved our hunger and cooking options for a couple of days.

New adventures today and stories tomorrow. Today's sunrise over Canon City.

Make the day great

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Monday, October 9, 2023

 Hi all

Yesterday was the travel day. Not a long distance, just took best part of the day. From Dinosaur, CO to Grand Junction, CO the road was more like a roller coaster than a highway. Drove slower to keep items in place in the RV, also to keep items where they belonged in our stomachs. Went over Douglas Pass at 8000+ feet above sea level. Very steep grade and often only going the speed limit, 25 mph, and very glad we had a diesel to pull us up the pass. Was not a drive I would recommend to the faint of heart or long RVs.

View from a quick stop along the way of the Aspens changing colors, at about 7000'.

Set up camp in Clifton, CO on the east end of the Grand Junction valley of the Colorado River. 

Will visit some wineries, thrift stores and grocery store for some entertainment and Colorado National Monument for beautiful scenery.

See you all soon, be kind and make it a great day.

Tom, Millie and Lefty


Hi all

Not having internet makes it really challenging to post a blog. I have to edit photos, which of course has to happen either way, write and save in Word, then when I have internet compose and add the photos in the blog. Not hard, just have to be careful where I put things so putting it together later goes well.

We are still in Dinosaur National Monument and keep enjoying the perfect weather. Daytime 70’s, night 40’s, with sunny skies and often no wind at all. Fall colors are beginning to happen here.

Josie Morris’s cabin really speaks to what a person is capable of. At age 40 she moved back into the mountains and built her cabin, raised vegetable, had livestock and nearly self sustained for almost 50 years. The beauty of her valley had to be a big part of her desire to live that type of life.

I drove further back up into the mountains for some fantastic views. After a few miles of 4 wheel drive low, I found a great vista of the lowlands.

Pretty good day, when back at camp started getting ready to travel. Although it is gorgeous here, wanderlust is tapping in our brains. So we move on to more adventures.

Make your day great

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Thursday, October 5, 2023


Hi all

S’pose y’all been wondering where we are? It’s called “the middle of nowhere”. After leaving Buffalo and the Big Horn Mts, we spent a night in Rawlins, WY. 

Just an overnight for water fill , tank dump and laundry. Next morning we left Rawlins and traveled south first stopping at Flaming Gorge Dam.


From there we made our way to Dinosaur National Monument on the Utah/Colorado border. Great campground, beautiful scenery and absolutely no cell service within 5 miles. After a couple days here we went into  Vernal, UT for groceries, entertainment and of course, thrift stores. Got fuel and headed back to camp. I had managed to pick up a cold somewhere and we spent yesterday just laying in the sunshine, short walks and a bike ride. Millie worked on some needlepoint and we both listened to audio books. Lovely weather, upper 60’s, light breeze and sunny.

A few shots from around the campground.


That’s about it, will let you know of our continuing adventures next time.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Sunday, October 1, 2023

 Good morning!

Our 2nd day near Buffalo, WY, we decided to  drive up into the Big Horn Mts. Beautiful day with light winds, sunny and mid 60's. Scoping out some potential "boondocking" spots and found several that could accommodate our rig and a lot that would not. Many were not accessible due to rough roads (nearly got Millie sick) and low hanging trees. All beautiful sites and many with breathtaking views.

Great drive, but the 9,000+ elevation took it's toll. After a stop for a picnic lunch we headed back to camp (4400') and took naps. Supper and some TV rounded out the day.

Next morning we moved on South to Rawlins, WY. Windy drive with lousy fuel mileage and fortunately, uneventful. Some Wyoming roadside scenery.

Got checked into an RV park and a big wind storm came through and rocked the camper pretty good. Sure glad we were off the highway by then. Showers, laundry, supper, a couple of episodes streaming and off to bed. 

Moon rise over Rawlins.

Moving on to Dinosaur National Monument today.

Make your day great,,

Tom, Millie and Lefty

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...