Thursday, October 21, 2021

 Hi all, been so loving the seafood options on the Oregon coast. 

Walks on the beach while waiting for the rain. Here is our latest adventures.

Day 36  (Oct. 19)

Beautiful sunrise this morning. 

Coffee and breakfast then out to find a beach. Drove about 15 miles back up the coast and found a nice, somewhat secluded, beach. We walked in the sunshine, mostly out of the wind and just enjoyed the sound of the surf. 

With no one else on the beach we let the Boyz run. They loved running in the sand and chasing each other, After they just started walking with us and wandering around sniffing the new smells. Next was a small State Park with a great view of one of the Highway 101 iconic bridges. 

As we worked our way back toward town we stopped at Sea Lion Caves. Took the tour and the Sea Lions forgot to show up. OK, was not the time of year they typically inhabit the cave. Was neat to see and I did get some good photos of Heceta Head Lighthouse. 

Flowers along the path the cave.

In town we stopped for a beer and more seafood. 

Then “home” and watched some TV, edited some photos and off to bed.


Day 37

Less than stunning sunrise.

Late start and after coffee and brunch, Millie started laundry, I did some shopping at the hardware store and fueled up the truck. A hundred bucks and it still wasn’t quite full, yep $3.96 a gallon for diesel. Finished up the laundry and shopped at a thrift store. Bought a few books and a couple of DVD’s. Then went to supper, and you guesed it, more seafood. 

Old Town Florence on a busy Wednesday eve.

The restaurant for supper.

One more full day at the coast and the seafood binge will be over. Probably have to work on salads for a while. “Home” after for a couple of good walks with the Boyz and some TV time.

Make your day great and be kind.

Tom and Millie

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