Tuesday, October 26, 2021

 Hi all

Got a bit of cell service that is not capable of uploading photos,

so this blog will only be informative and sooner or later I will get some decent service.

We are moving to Bly, OR tomorrow for one night, don't expect much for service there.

Then off to Virgin Valley Campground on the Sheldon National Antelope Refuge and I know there will be no service there. Unsure how far we will have to drive to get out a text message.

After a few days of (hopefully) sun and soaking in the hot spring, we will head across Nevada. Unsure as to what actual direction we will go. East toward home faster or south for warmer weather. 

All said and done, not likely to find adequate service to post a blog with photos.

Make your day great and enjoy your own adventure.

Tom and Millie

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