Wednesday, March 14, 2018

It goes by so fast!

Hi all
I keep telling myself every morning that I need to do a blog.
Then make coffee, the bed, breakfast, make a plan for the day and.....................
making supper and getting ready for bed.
How does that happen?

So to catch you all up
After Blue Angel we moved a few miles to a KOA campground in Alabama.
The morning view out our window.

Spent the weekend there as finding State or Federal sites available on weekends may be rare.
While at the KOA we went back to Pensacola Naval Air Station to visit the
National Museum of Naval Aviation

What a day, and a full day it was.

I think there is still some we did not see or went by to fast.

Worth the trip if in the area and it is FREE, including parking.

The flight simulators do have a cost and since we didn't do them I don't know how much.
We even ate at the on site restaurant and enjoyed that as well.

Then on Monday we moved on to Paul B Johnson State Park near Hattiesburg, MS
Here we will be meeting up with friends from Wisconsin for the weekend.
We decided to check out what there is to do and headed to Hattiesburg.
First was laundry, don't know why they don't invent self cleaning clothes.
With that done we went to some thrift stores and a quilt shop.
Being hungry, we found a great local place that had lots of beers on tap
and supposed to be great food.

We each had a great local brew and shared shrimp and sausage on grits.
The food was delicious and we were glad we shared the meal.
Could have enjoyed a few more shrimp, and I always say that when they are this good.
Possibly going back on St Paddy's day for Corned Beef and Cabbage also Guinness Stew.
Will let you know what Guinness Stew is should we get back there.

On the way home, added fuel to the truck.
Nearly dark when home and just relaxed and to bed early.

Now you are caught up and I am out of things to say and show..
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...