Saturday, March 12, 2016

Beggs, OK

Hi all
We reluctantly left WSMNRA and it was still foggy there.
We seem to have ignored this sign on our way up there.

Oh well, didn't get in trouble so no worries.
Was still a great place to spend the night.

Moving north we had to stop at the Heavener, OK Runestone Park
And we thought that Kennsington, MN was the only place the Vikings visited.
Another beautiful park and in Oklahoma. 
Don't know where the dry deserted plains are
sure not on this end of the state this year.
 From the picnic grounds, the view of Heavener.

Millie walking on the path down.
Was misty and the Dogwoods were starting to bloom.

The Runestone is at the bottom of this little canyon.
An easy walk even for me.
Dogwood blossoms
One of the little waterfalls along the path.

Then we moved on towards Tulsa
Had to go through the town where my Father was born.
I didn't check to see if anyone remembered him
the family left during the 1930's

So now we are just south of Tulsa in Beggs
at the Tulsa RV Ranch.
Seems to be a working man's park
so we will see how it goes.
Just want the wet to stop.

Planning to get together with my cousin Mike and his wife Linda
Haven't seen Mike in about 50 years.
We have a lot to catch up on.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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