Tuesday, April 5, 2022

  Hi all

Just had to stop on the drive for the scenery.

Canon City, CO. Long days drive, for us, and we found the area I planned to camp at was closed to camping. Probably from abuse of rules and time. Happening too often. So we went back a few miles and found the City park. Glad we did as it is so much nicer than where I had planned. A lot more of a challenge due to small area with soft soils and having to turn around with narrow roads. We succeeded and in the best site here. Great view looking over Canon City and to the mountains in the west. 

Great sunset and visitors. 

Going to be here 2 nights because tomorrow we are expecting winds gusting over 50 mph. Much rather be parked than fighting those crosswinds. 

Yes, it was windy, according to the news, wind gusts of 60mph. Beautiful sunrise over Canon City. 

Spent the day in Canon City visiting thrift stores, a quilt shop, a brewery, winery and having a great burger. 

Back to camp and found we have neighbors. Took naps and put stuff away. Made supper, watched some network TV and headed to bed. Travel day tomorrow.

Make your day great and see you down the road.

Tom and Millie

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