Sunday, April 10, 2022

 Hi all

This is the last night from our Spring 2022 Big Adventure. Photo of our truck in front of Shawn and Mark's, I wonder what that guy is looking for? 

After leaving Shawn and Mark's, we headed East into Nebraska. Made it past Kearney to the Windmill State Recreation Area. Long day and upon arriving we had to empty waste tanks and fill with water before setting up for the night. Finished just after sunset. Settled in and enjoyed sitting still. Slept really well and woke up to calls of the Sandhill Cranes. They are a noisy bunch. 

Then it was back on the road again, bucking strong winds and some rough roads. Last night of the BA is in Sioux Falls, SD. Stayed at the Big Sioux Recreation Area and had a nice secluded spot. 

Long walk with the Boyz was good for all of us and Millie cooked a great supper of Crab Chowder and Corn Bread. Another good nights sleep and on the road for the last leg home.  

Make your day great and keep dreaming of Spring.

Tom and Millie

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