Sunday, April 10, 2022

 Hi all

This is the last night from our Spring 2022 Big Adventure. Photo of our truck in front of Shawn and Mark's, I wonder what that guy is looking for? 

After leaving Shawn and Mark's, we headed East into Nebraska. Made it past Kearney to the Windmill State Recreation Area. Long day and upon arriving we had to empty waste tanks and fill with water before setting up for the night. Finished just after sunset. Settled in and enjoyed sitting still. Slept really well and woke up to calls of the Sandhill Cranes. They are a noisy bunch. 

Then it was back on the road again, bucking strong winds and some rough roads. Last night of the BA is in Sioux Falls, SD. Stayed at the Big Sioux Recreation Area and had a nice secluded spot. 

Long walk with the Boyz was good for all of us and Millie cooked a great supper of Crab Chowder and Corn Bread. Another good nights sleep and on the road for the last leg home.  

Make your day great and keep dreaming of Spring.

Tom and Millie

Saturday, April 9, 2022

 Hi all, short post today and (sorry) no photos. 

Northward move to near Denver and a few days visit with my sister Shawn and Mark. Mark was loads of help getting our generator running right again. Nice low excitement visit with time to visit and meet Shawn's daughter, Crystal. Weather has been anywhere from really windy to very pleasant. We even had fun playing Rummikub on the patio last evening till well after dark. 

Today we head East starting our trek home. First thing to do is get to the middle of Nebraska. Will be spending the night at a State Recreation Area with the migrating Sandhill Cranes. 

Make your day great and be kind to all.

Tom and Millie

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

  Hi all

Just had to stop on the drive for the scenery.

Canon City, CO. Long days drive, for us, and we found the area I planned to camp at was closed to camping. Probably from abuse of rules and time. Happening too often. So we went back a few miles and found the City park. Glad we did as it is so much nicer than where I had planned. A lot more of a challenge due to small area with soft soils and having to turn around with narrow roads. We succeeded and in the best site here. Great view looking over Canon City and to the mountains in the west. 

Great sunset and visitors. 

Going to be here 2 nights because tomorrow we are expecting winds gusting over 50 mph. Much rather be parked than fighting those crosswinds. 

Yes, it was windy, according to the news, wind gusts of 60mph. Beautiful sunrise over Canon City. 

Spent the day in Canon City visiting thrift stores, a quilt shop, a brewery, winery and having a great burger. 

Back to camp and found we have neighbors. Took naps and put stuff away. Made supper, watched some network TV and headed to bed. Travel day tomorrow.

Make your day great and see you down the road.

Tom and Millie

Sunday, April 3, 2022

 Hi all

We moved to Taos, NM into an RV Park, of all places. Full hook ups and laundry on site. Got some groceries and drove around the town a bit, just to get the "lay of the land".

Next day we decided to drive up, literally, to Angel Fire and Eagles Nest, NM. Slow curvy road just about all the way. From 7000 ft and over the 9000+ ft pass and down to 8000 ft at our destination. Hit up a fun thrift store and spent a few dollars, in Eagles Nest. 

Then to Angel Fire to find the brew pub. Found it and the owner was standing outside and informed us that they had decided to take the month of April off. Looked around town and decided that since it had started snowing we should just head back to camp. As we headed up to the pass the snow started to become heavy, but had not yet started to accumulate on the road, so we just drove slower and enjoyed the snowfall in the mountains and tall pines.

On the way down into Taos the snow really started coming down and accumulating up to several inches on the road. Four wheel drive was put in use and we slowed down a bit more. Not too much further there was a vehicle on it's side partially off the road. It appeared all were out of the vehicle and there was a Game Warden on site with his red/blue lights flashing and two other vehicles stopped. Further down the road we met up with multiple emergency vehicles headed to the scene. By the time we got back to Taos the sun was shining and the road was dry. Back to camp for late lunch and walk the boyz. After a rest we went to a couple more thrift stores and Walmart. Back to camp for adult beverages and sitting outside in the sun. 

Quite the week, when we got to Mescalero Sands it was 90 ℉, a few days later in Taos mid 50's and today a blizzard and hours later basking in the sun. Love New Mexico in the Spring. 

I did find this at the campground and wondered why put the bench there if I couldn't park my butt on it?

New day, we hit a thrift store and Walgreens on the way to new adventures. We drove out to walk the Rio Grande Gorge bridge.  Beautiful views on the way, of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. 

After looking down, way down, from the bridge and watching a few kayakers.............

saw a herd of Bighorn Sheep a long way out across the gorge.

After watching the sheep and people, we proceeded south along the river. After several miles the pavement ended and the gravel road twisted and turned down into the canyon. 

At the bottom we crossed the river and behold, the road was paved the rest of the way. Found the Blue Heron Brewing Co. and stopped for a sampler. Nice beers and a great patio with a breeze and sunshine.

 From there we went to La Chiripada Winery, tasted several very nice wines and decided we were hungry. 

So we found Zule's Cafe in Dixon, NM for a Burrito. Absolutely the best Burrito we had ever had. For desert we stopped at Vivac Winery, sat out at a table in the yard with nice grass, sunshine and the Boyz for company. We all enjoyed the atmosphere and Millie and I enjoyed the wine.

Back to camp to rest and hydrate before bed.

Last day here and things we had to get done, you know, laundry and put stuff away to travel. Spent the day getting everything ready and naps. I think the altitude really tires us out. Went out to eat, just us, to a local Mom and Pop Mexican restaurant. Had a fancier burrito and it was our second, best burrito ever.

 Picked up a few groceries for the next few days and retired to home. 

Make your day great and see you down the road.

Tom and Millie

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hi all

We moved to the mountains in New Mexico. A great campground on the Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area. 

Got to love the Federal Lands as the camping fee here is $0. The main attraction here, which is closed to the public to protect the bats, is the cave. It is the 2nd longest cave in NM with over 42 miles mapped. The entrance is Fenced and locked and not very impressive. Nothing like the entrance to Carlsbad Caverns, the longest in NM, or at least not as big.

Views are wonderful and being the only ones in the campground makes for lots of quiet. The Boyz don't get distracted and only make things up to bark. Temps when arriving were near 90 and the weather changed. Only going to be in the upper 50's for the remainder of our visit.

Today we went to Ruidoso, NM. An upscale, not very discovered, ski and tourist area. The area has lots of high end homes and a main street filled with shops. The only ones we went to were thrift stores, a flea market and a winery. The winery had some of the best wines we have sampled this trip. They do know what they want for them and it makes diesel fuel look cheap. 

The 30 minute drive over was very scenic even though it was a cloudy, dreary day. About mid afternoon the winds hit and supposed to be gusting into the 60mph range. A lot of dust ended up in the air hampering the views on the way back to camp. We took the back road in, one lane mostly graded, rough, scenic trail, for lack of a better term. We knew the winds were coming and had parked in a fairly protected spot, so having little effect on the RV. Pulled out the generator so Millie could iron some fabric. Dang thing has less than 100 hours and seems to have a carburetor problem with surging. May try to address that tomorrow, if unable to fix, I'll have to find someone to repair when home.

Last full day on the Fort Stanton-Snowy river Cave NCA. Mostly cloudy, high of 56℉, windy and a very occasional shower (sprinkle). Millie did a bunch of sewing, I worked on the generator (with no success) and we went for a nearly 3 mile hike. 

Really? Stage Coach, how old is this sign?

Pretty good for an old flat lander and at 6000+ feet. Beautiful area and so quiet, other than the wind. Supper will be cleaning out the left overs in the fridge and then, after dark, some DVR time. Tomorrow we start the northward leg and hoping for continued good weather with less wind.

Make your day great

Tom and Millie

Monday, March 28, 2022

 Hi all

I am writing this as we are boondocking in New Mexico at a BLM Off Hi-way Vehicle area in the middle of more sand. 

We are alone out here, or at least can't see any other campers and we got to watch the parade of weekenders leave. Got a nice sunny spot (there is no shade) and it is around 90°. The windows are open and we have a nice breeze. Can stay comfortable is you are sloppy with your water and clothes dry really quick. It was an easy day drive. We are just one night here and were hoping to have some great sky viewing tonight, but with some cloud cover moving in that my not happen. Sunset was spectacular.

Night sky was pretty open and lots of stars, no moon, no wind and 70℉, just perfect for a bit of viewing. Just before sunrise the moon rose for a nice start to a new day.

Off to the next place today and new adventures.

Make your day great.

Tom and Millie

Saturday, March 26, 2022

 Hi all

Soaked up the sun at Monahan's Sandhills St Pk in Texas. Middle of oil country and I suspect also the largest employer in the area. We literally camped in amongst the sand dunes. Like being at a huge beach with no water for a long way. The dunes, I would estimate, are around 100 feet high and is fairly fine sand making it a great workout getting to the top. 

Sunsets were also wonderful and the storm clouds (we didn't get any of the storm) made for fun photos.

Some of the fun there was using snow/sand saucers and sliding down the slopes. Good for the kids as it wears them out climbing back up to go again. 

Also some interesting activity. One group looked like they were filming a new chapter of Star Wars. Costumes and camera equipment and they went off into the dunes for the day. 

There was also a young lady that had sparkly formal dresses that went off into the dunes with a photographer and balloons for a photo shoot.

And these two, just happy together.

First night there we met a nice couple from South Texas, Ben and Marika, visited for a while and enjoyed their company. 

Thursday we stayed in camp and had a workout in the sand. Of course, the Boyz , had no trouble in the sand since they have 4 paw drive and don't weigh much.

Relaxed and watched the changing of the RV's. Seems the biggest use here is overnight on the way to somewhere. It is just off of I-20 and an easy stop. I also visited with a family with a bus and 5 kids. They are working on being full time and "road" schooling their kids. Talked solar with him and gave him a new look as to trouble shoot some problem. I will never know what he finds and if anything I said will help, just hope he figures it out. 

Friday we went to Odessa, TX. Laundry, groceries, fuel and thrift stores. Picked up some BBQ after and back to camp. I visited with the neighbors and Millie caught up with a girlfriend on the phone. Had the BBQ and it was fantastic, great flavors and just wonderful ribs, brisket and sausage. Good coleslaw and jalapeno cornbread. Watched a movie and off to a good nights sleep. 

The last day there we stayed in camp and did a few things around the RV and a few walks. Also washed the sand out of the Boyz. Was 92⁰ with humidity in the single digits. Good dog drying weather. Millie sewed a bunch and we generally got things in order to pack up and travel.

So, see you at the next place and make your day great.

Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...